Tenerife : activités uniques

Tenerife : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Coucher du soleil et contemplation des étoiles près de Teide
Heyy. you are just about to discover the remote space of the Teide national park! The feeling wil be truly like you just land with your space ship on another planet but you can breathe walking around! After meeting at the parking spot, we grab from my car all the warm polartecs and backpacks we need, then we start walking thru the lava and ash of the surrounding volcanoes! Our destination is the top of one big volcano where we wil watch the sunset at 2100 meters altitude.On the way i will explain you everything about the ecosistem around us, because is just like on Mars the ground and the views!!Once the sun is gona say goodbye, the universe is making his way to us, opening in the dark the view of the stars and constelations.We wil gonna start walking under the pitch black sky and milions of stars and learn toghether how to spot the constelations, planets, milky way and shooting stars! We do pictures with you and the sky and i show you to use the mobile phones for stargazing photography.. If you don't have car is a local driver who can drive you round trip for verry reasonable price. After booking i can conect you
Visite sous les étoiles de Ténérife
Come and join us on this astronomical adventure and stargazing experience to share the magical night sky of Tenerife island from Teide National Park. We will be about 2000 meters above sea level, which you may feel a bit. The activity will be held at the core of Teide National Park, exploring the area of Roques de García (no bus at night). We will start at night or by sunset depending on the time of the year, and so both the sky and the landscape change depending on the season, the moon phase and the astronomical ephemerides (Moon, planets or shooting stars). The activity includes an interpretation of the sky, mixing astronomy and history as well as gazing by eye stars, planets and constellations. Tuesdays and Fridays: Regular Group Activities in English, gathering on average 10 to 20 people. Easy night walk of 3km. Ideal for families, couples and friends who want to be inspired by nature doing a relaxing walk and having time to stop, sit and contemplate the night. Other days can be available depending on the season. Spanish sessions are usually hosted by coworkers. Activities may be canceled depending on the weather evolution or fully cloudy sky. If I cancel, you are 100% refunded. Lanterns are provided. Telescope is not included. If you wish a private activity or include a telescope observation, just let me know.
Observez les baleines et dauphins
El Roulette es un velero de 12 metros con capacidad para 10 pasajeros y 2 tripulantes, partimos desde Puerto Colón (Costa Adeje), ubicado en el centro de la zona Zec (zona para la especial conservación de los cetáceos), saldremos al mar abierto, normalmente a unas tres millas de la costa ya es suficiente para ver una gran cantidad de vida marina (hasta 29 especies de cetáceos, 4 tipos de tortugas marinas y 11 tipos de aves marinas), todo ello rodeado por un increíble paisaje de fondo de la isla de Tenerife, la cual tiene el tercer volcán más alto del mundo desde su base, El Teide, con unos 3.718m. Colaboramos recogiendo residuos para conservar el medio marino. Como colofon fondearemos en una espectacular bahía, La Caleta de Adeje, catalogada como sitio de interes cientifico, debido a la diversidad de lavas, así como de especies endemicas vegetales y diferentes aves marinas. Allí distribuiremos equipos de snorkel y nos bañaremos en sus aguas cristalinas, comeremos y regresaremos al puerto observando la costa y las montañas de Adeje. Incluye: Servicio de recogida de hotel/apto. a 20Kms de Puerto Colon(excepto sabado y domingo), bebida, comida y equipo de snorkel.
Initiation au surf
Nuestras clases tienen una duración de dos horas, todo el material que necesitas ( tabla, traje y escarpines) viene incluido en el precio y nosotros te lo aportamos. No se requiere de experiencia previa, solo ganas de aprender y disfrutar de este maravilloso deporte, nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Uno de nuestros puntos mas fuertes es que nuestro equipo de instructores, no son solo expertos en surf y la enseñanza, sino que han sido campeones nacionales y de Europa de surf y su pasión y habilidad se reflejan en cada lección que imparten. Del mismo modo En nuestra escuela, hemos elaborado guías de surf exclusivas para Playa de las Américas, lo que significa que estamos comprometidos a brindarte la mejor experiencia posible en esta hermosa playa. Estas guías te ayudarán a familiarizarte con los puntos de surf locales, las mareas y las condiciones ideales para aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo en el agua. En definitiva Somos una escuela local arraigada en la comunidad de Playa de las Américas. Conocemos los secretos de esta playa como nadie más y estamos comprometidos a brindarte una experiencia auténtica y única.
Randonnée incroyable avec vue sur l'océan
Before starting this amazing experience we will meet up at La Laguna bus station (we can also meet at Santa Cruz bus station) We will be hiking into this ancient forest for around 4 hours, time enough to enjoy and admire the variety of fauna and flora of this magic region. As we start this adventure at 1.000 meters sea-level altitude, you will be able to see the contrasts of the region from some of the best viewpoints of the Island. I have my camera always with me, so you don´t need to worry about going back home without a proper souvenir of this adventure. I will provide you with water, snacks, and sunscreen. We can also meet at the Santa Cruz de Tenerife bus station. Medium hiking level.

Tenerife : découvrez le bord de mer

Découvrez l'immensité sauvage de l'océan
Si c'est votre première fois, nous vous enseignerons les compétences nécessaires pour voler sous l'eau avec l'équipement de plongée sous-marine dédié en toute sécurité, puis nous vous guiderons dans notre magnifique océan. Vous aurez une plongée exclusive avec notre moniteur hautement qualifié, sans limite de temps, seulement votre consommation d'air. Nous proposons des plongées sous-marines à tous les niveaux, à partir de 8 ans, vous pouvez commencer à faire vos premières bulles sous l’eau et découvrir la partie la plus riche et la plus belle de notre planète. La profondeur maximale autorisée varie en fonction de votre âge. Autres remarques Avant de vous assurer que vous pouvez plonger, il est fondamental de remplir un questionnaire médical qui vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique. L'absence de gravité et l'environnement paisible font tomber toutes les barrières
Excursion privée en bateau et safari en mer
You will have a unique opportunity to look at the island of Tenerife from the ocean, enjoy the magnificent view of the cliffs, swim in the crystal clear water of the bays of La Caleta, and even fish. There will also be a great opportunity to observe the fascinating life of ocean creatures living in this part of the coast of Tenerife. On the Barco 33, we will leave the port of Puerto Colon and head towards La Gomera, where we will get to know the life of the local ocean creatures, which you will not find anywhere else but these places. Then we turn abruptly to the north and throw an anchor in the bay of La Caleta or El Puertito. You can swim and dive in the crystal clear water and swim among exotic fish, and sometimes even turtles. Here you will be able to fish as well, because where else but in the Atlantic Ocean you will find such a quantity and variety of marine fauna. After that, along the southern coast of the island, we will take you to the land, where you will be waited by friendly owners of local cafes and beautiful photos of your trip. (It is possible to order private charter.) Other things to note If you know that you are swayed in the water, it is better to take care of this by taking the medicine (about 1 hour before going to the ocean), or a bracelet against sea sickness. (Sold in local pharmacies). It is possible to book private charter (only you on board
Immortalisez vos vacances à Tenerife avec un photographe
You can't leave the islands without having the best images :) I love my job, and I do it every day. I specialize in Artistic Portraits, Family, Wedding, Content, and LoveStory photoshoots. Also, I'm available in any part of the Islands, ask me for more information, and I will share my secret spots. No modeling experience is needed – I'll guide you every step of the way to ensure you feel comfortable and look natural. Your experience is personal and exclusive – just for you, your partner, or your family. No strangers will join in. I love incorporating the beauty of the Canary Islands into my photos – think giant cacti, dragon trees, volcanic stones, and black sand beaches. I know the best spots for breathtaking sunsets and artistic shots! The delivery of images takes around 2-3 week ( depending on the load ) Feel free to ask me anything – I'm here to help and answer all your questions. Psst! Couples get a 30% discount, and kids can attend for free with their parents. Best Regards, Edgar Photographer Tenerife
Cours de surf ludique
100% diversion! el surf es más que un deporte y para iniciarte en este mundo tenemos preparado para ti una sesión de dos horas donde adquirirás conocimientos básicos para que te conviertas en un verdadero surfer. Comenzaremos con unos ejercicios fuera del agua de un modo dinámico y divertido para luego trasladar lo aprendido al agua, y que cojas tu primera ola! estas preparad@ para surfear?? Otros aspectos destacables Es necesario saber nadar, en caso de no saber nadar consultar antes y reservar un curso privado con clases de natación y adaptación al medio. Los horarios podrán variar según la condición del mar.
Tenerife sous l'eau : découvrez l'île sous un autre angle
Explore an underwater Tenerife and its colorful life during individual scuba diving with me during your 1-1 experience. Individual diving, no crowds or time limits - you get as much time and attention as you need. The only pressure is underwater;) Flexible meeting point: -*from Radazul to Alcala (West to East Tenerife) Mainly diving from the beach - it allows you to have complete control over your first dive - slowly entering the water, you decide when you are ready. No pressure!:) Languages: English and Polish. Schedule: 1. After confirming your booking - You will receive a message with the required information that I will ask you to provide me with before a dive. You will also receive a medical statement to fill out. 2. You will receive instructions about the meeting point. 3. You will receive a link to the introduction video to scuba diving to watch before a dive day. 4. All equipment will be prepared and fitted to you (unless you are a certified diver) 5. Once you are ready and equipped, we will head slowly to the water. Entry is always from the beach. If your partner cannot dive with you, I can arrange a snorkel for her/him. **Diving with turtles/dolphins/mermaids - we respect the Ocean - and its wild aquatic life... There's a possibility of seeing them, if they are around Pictures -will be available for purchase.

Tenerife : les expériences les plus prisées

Observation de baleines et de dauphins
Nuestra actividad se realizará desde el Puerto deportivo "Marina del Sur", situada en el pueblo pesquero de Las Galletas, en el Sur de Tenerife. Los grupos no serán mayores de 12 personas. En la recepción del barco daré una pequeña charla sobre cómo disfrutar mejor de la experiencia. Saldremos a unas 3 millas de distancia del puerto, dónde podremos encontrar varios tipos de cetáceos. Luego nos acercamos a la costa para disfrutar de los Acantilados de Guaza cerca del pueblo turístico de Los Cristianos. En este lugar de aguas cristalinas podremos bañarnos en el Mar mientras preparo un surtido de comidas típicas de la zona (Tapas) (tortilla española, quesos, guacamole...) la bebidas están incluidas. Al regresar navegaremos por la costa del Paraje Natural protegido de Punta de Rasca. La experiencia dura entre 3 y 3,5 horas aproximadamente. Otros aspectos destacables. Si piensas que puedes marear en barco, toma algún medicamento que lo evite. Tomar 20 minutos antes de comenzar la actividad. La experiencia puede variar en función de la climatología.
Observez le ciel au télescope avec un astrophysicien
I invite you to join me on this telescope adventure to unravel the secrets of the Universe from the pristine and clear skies of Teide National Park. In this activity, I will guide you through the stars, constellations, planets, deep sky objects, the history of science and the state of the art in astrophysical research. While enjoying the breathtaking landscapes of Teide at night, we will use a professional telescope to get us closer to the sky. Tuesdays and Fridays: Regular Group Activities in English, gathering on average 4 to 8 people. The observation will be held in the surroundings of Cañadas del Teide Parador Hotel, the easiest meeting spot at night. Ideal for families, couples and group friends who want to grasp the mysteries of the Universe and be inspired by human imagination. Other days can be available depending on the season. Keep in mind the activity changes depending on the season, the moon phase and the astronomical ephemerides. No previous experience is needed. Activities may be canceled depending on the weather evolution or fully cloudy sky. If I cancel, you are 100% refunded. If you wish a private activity, just let me know.
Visitez une plantation écologique de bananes
While taking a nice walk around the estate I will give explanations and descriptions that will allow you to know first hand how we understand and live sustainability. The finca represents the true agriculture of the future and is located in one of Tenerife's most wonderful regions, El Rincón in La Orotava. The visit we offers the following: - A 30-45 minutes tour with first hand explanations from the finca's owner. - A banana snack - A sweet shot of the most famous banana liquor of the Canary Islands - Unforgettable views that will make you want to work with us All our tours are on demand, so it is important to stick to the reserved slot.
Ocean tour, Kayak y Snorkel con tortugas
Una espectacular ruta en kayak por la costa volcánica de Tenerife sur, donde visitaremos cuevas, haremos esnórquel con tortugas y con un poco de suerte encontraremos delfines libres por el camino. Los kayaks son cómodos y con asientos acolchonados, incluimos chalecos, neoprenos y el material para snorkel como gafas normales con tubo o full face. Haremos un reportaje con fotos y videos que regalaremos a todos los participantes. Ofrecemos agua y fruta. Una excursión para todos, familias, parejas y amigos. Nuestro centro es ubicado en el paseo Marítimo frente de la Playa de Los Cristianos. Nuestro equipo es muy preparado, tenemos muchas experiencia por la costa sur y conocemos cada esquina de este magnifico rincón de paraíso. Nuestros grupos son de máximo 10 personas (5 kayaks dobles) para cada instructor guía.
Dauphins et tortues en kayak à Los Cristianos
From 29 may till 3 june wil be a little windy weather so can be done by pretty sporty people with good stamina. Experience for SMALL GROUPS ONLY! We do snorkeling around the Pal Mar cave where the sea bottom is cover by white volcanic ash and bazalt!Like sea life we got in the area sea turtles, dorada fishes, trupet, rainbow, bishop stingrays, octopus! We start our little adventure from the sandy beach of Los Cristianos village and we head to the volcano emerge from the ocean call it Guasa! All the way there is like about one mile, enought space and time to get the best technick about open sea rowing! The views are once in a lifetime paddling down of the volcano cliffs with blue cristal ocean water around us! The big Teide volcano( almost 4000 m) from the center of Tenerife is gonna be our horizont view!! Just siting in the kayak with your feet in the ocean, down of one volcano with this view is making your day! Before we visit the cave we do one little stop in open sea where is the dolphins route ( we are in the Natural rezervation for dolphins and whales) and if we are soo lucky we can spot the amazing flippers! If you are SUP experienced, i have couple of boards ready to go! I do only one tour per day so the pace of the experience is easy going.

Activités à proximité des principales attractions

Loro ParqueRecommandé par 642 habitants
Siam MallRecommandé par 552 habitants
Réserve naturelle des dunes de MaspalomasRecommandé par 322 habitants
Centro Comercial Las ArenasRecommandé par 291 habitants
Yumbo CentrumRecommandé par 161 habitants
Centro Comercial Plaza del DuqueRecommandé par 123 habitants

Tenerife : toutes les activités à proximité

Coucher du soleil et contemplation des étoiles près de Teide
Heyy. you are just about to discover the remote space of the Teide national park! The feeling wil be truly like you just land with your space ship on another planet but you can breathe walking around! After meeting at the parking spot, we grab from my car all the warm polartecs and backpacks we need, then we start walking thru the lava and ash of the surrounding volcanoes! Our destination is the top of one big volcano where we wil watch the sunset at 2100 meters altitude.On the way i will explain you everything about the ecosistem around us, because is just like on Mars the ground and the views!!Once the sun is gona say goodbye, the universe is making his way to us, opening in the dark the view of the stars and constelations.We wil gonna start walking under the pitch black sky and milions of stars and learn toghether how to spot the constelations, planets, milky way and shooting stars! We do pictures with you and the sky and i show you to use the mobile phones for stargazing photography.. If you don't have car is a local driver who can drive you round trip for verry reasonable price. After booking i can conect you
Tenerife sous l'eau : découvrez l'île sous un autre angle
Explore an underwater Tenerife and its colorful life during individual scuba diving with me during your 1-1 experience. Individual diving, no crowds or time limits - you get as much time and attention as you need. The only pressure is underwater;) Flexible meeting point: -*from Radazul to Alcala (West to East Tenerife) Mainly diving from the beach - it allows you to have complete control over your first dive - slowly entering the water, you decide when you are ready. No pressure!:) Languages: English and Polish. Schedule: 1. After confirming your booking - You will receive a message with the required information that I will ask you to provide me with before a dive. You will also receive a medical statement to fill out. 2. You will receive instructions about the meeting point. 3. You will receive a link to the introduction video to scuba diving to watch before a dive day. 4. All equipment will be prepared and fitted to you (unless you are a certified diver) 5. Once you are ready and equipped, we will head slowly to the water. Entry is always from the beach. If your partner cannot dive with you, I can arrange a snorkel for her/him. **Diving with turtles/dolphins/mermaids - we respect the Ocean - and its wild aquatic life... There's a possibility of seeing them, if they are around Pictures -will be available for purchase.
Observez le ciel au télescope avec un astrophysicien
I invite you to join me on this telescope adventure to unravel the secrets of the Universe from the pristine and clear skies of Teide National Park. In this activity, I will guide you through the stars, constellations, planets, deep sky objects, the history of science and the state of the art in astrophysical research. While enjoying the breathtaking landscapes of Teide at night, we will use a professional telescope to get us closer to the sky. Tuesdays and Fridays: Regular Group Activities in English, gathering on average 4 to 8 people. The observation will be held in the surroundings of Cañadas del Teide Parador Hotel, the easiest meeting spot at night. Ideal for families, couples and group friends who want to grasp the mysteries of the Universe and be inspired by human imagination. Other days can be available depending on the season. Keep in mind the activity changes depending on the season, the moon phase and the astronomical ephemerides. No previous experience is needed. Activities may be canceled depending on the weather evolution or fully cloudy sky. If I cancel, you are 100% refunded. If you wish a private activity, just let me know.
Visite sous les étoiles de Ténérife
Come and join us on this astronomical adventure and stargazing experience to share the magical night sky of Tenerife island from Teide National Park. We will be about 2000 meters above sea level, which you may feel a bit. The activity will be held at the core of Teide National Park, exploring the area of Roques de García (no bus at night). We will start at night or by sunset depending on the time of the year, and so both the sky and the landscape change depending on the season, the moon phase and the astronomical ephemerides (Moon, planets or shooting stars). The activity includes an interpretation of the sky, mixing astronomy and history as well as gazing by eye stars, planets and constellations. Tuesdays and Fridays: Regular Group Activities in English, gathering on average 10 to 20 people. Easy night walk of 3km. Ideal for families, couples and friends who want to be inspired by nature doing a relaxing walk and having time to stop, sit and contemplate the night. Other days can be available depending on the season. Spanish sessions are usually hosted by coworkers. Activities may be canceled depending on the weather evolution or fully cloudy sky. If I cancel, you are 100% refunded. Lanterns are provided. Telescope is not included. If you wish a private activity or include a telescope observation, just let me know.
Dauphins et tortues en kayak à Los Cristianos
From 29 may till 3 june wil be a little windy weather so can be done by pretty sporty people with good stamina. Experience for SMALL GROUPS ONLY! We do snorkeling around the Pal Mar cave where the sea bottom is cover by white volcanic ash and bazalt!Like sea life we got in the area sea turtles, dorada fishes, trupet, rainbow, bishop stingrays, octopus! We start our little adventure from the sandy beach of Los Cristianos village and we head to the volcano emerge from the ocean call it Guasa! All the way there is like about one mile, enought space and time to get the best technick about open sea rowing! The views are once in a lifetime paddling down of the volcano cliffs with blue cristal ocean water around us! The big Teide volcano( almost 4000 m) from the center of Tenerife is gonna be our horizont view!! Just siting in the kayak with your feet in the ocean, down of one volcano with this view is making your day! Before we visit the cave we do one little stop in open sea where is the dolphins route ( we are in the Natural rezervation for dolphins and whales) and if we are soo lucky we can spot the amazing flippers! If you are SUP experienced, i have couple of boards ready to go! I do only one tour per day so the pace of the experience is easy going.
Astronomie et photo
Stargazing di gruppo o personalizzati con potente telescopio professionale da 40 cm di diametro nel Parco Nazionale del Teide. Ad oltre 2300m di quota dove il cielo è tra i più limpidi e scuri del mondo si potranno vedere in diretta oggetti come galassie, nebulose, la luna e i pianeti del sistema solare e imparare tutti i loro segreti. Molte altre agenzie della zona propongono tour di "massa" di questo tipo dando priorità al trasporto o la cena inclusi, offrendo poi una modesta esperienza preprogrammata con un piccolo strumento. Il mio tour sarà in un gruppo ristretto di persone, quindi sarà possibile interagire meglio e spiegare nei dettagli questa meravigliosa scienza, inoltre potrò rispondere a qualsiasi domanda grazie alla mia esperienza maturata in 25 anni di collaborazione con un osservatorio astronomico del nord Italia. Tramite un adattatore sarete in grado di connettere il vostro smatrphone al telescopio e catturare foto ricordo degli oggetti mostrati! Faremo al termine anche una foto panoramica di gruppo a lunga esposizione per riprendervi sotto le stelle, vi sarà inviata successivamente per mail. Propongo anche workshop di base e avanzati sulla fotografia astronomica per chi già conosce l'astronomia e vuole espandere le sue capacità traendo maggiore soddisfazione in questa attività. Per ulteriori informazioni puoi visitare anche il mio sito web: www.astrophototour.com
Observation de baleines et de dauphins
Nuestra actividad se realizará desde el Puerto deportivo "Marina del Sur", situada en el pueblo pesquero de Las Galletas, en el Sur de Tenerife. Los grupos no serán mayores de 12 personas. En la recepción del barco daré una pequeña charla sobre cómo disfrutar mejor de la experiencia. Saldremos a unas 3 millas de distancia del puerto, dónde podremos encontrar varios tipos de cetáceos. Luego nos acercamos a la costa para disfrutar de los Acantilados de Guaza cerca del pueblo turístico de Los Cristianos. En este lugar de aguas cristalinas podremos bañarnos en el Mar mientras preparo un surtido de comidas típicas de la zona (Tapas) (tortilla española, quesos, guacamole...) la bebidas están incluidas. Al regresar navegaremos por la costa del Paraje Natural protegido de Punta de Rasca. La experiencia dura entre 3 y 3,5 horas aproximadamente. Otros aspectos destacables. Si piensas que puedes marear en barco, toma algún medicamento que lo evite. Tomar 20 minutos antes de comenzar la actividad. La experiencia puede variar en función de la climatología.
Visitez une plantation écologique de bananes
While taking a nice walk around the estate I will give explanations and descriptions that will allow you to know first hand how we understand and live sustainability. The finca represents the true agriculture of the future and is located in one of Tenerife's most wonderful regions, El Rincón in La Orotava. The visit we offers the following: - A 30-45 minutes tour with first hand explanations from the finca's owner. - A banana snack - A sweet shot of the most famous banana liquor of the Canary Islands - Unforgettable views that will make you want to work with us All our tours are on demand, so it is important to stick to the reserved slot.
Une heure en double Tenerife sud
Êtes-vous prêt pour une belle expérience en jet ski à la découverte de la côte sud de Tenerife? Le prix est de 82€ au total pour deux personnes sur le même jet ski (possibilité d’échanger les positions pendant l’excursion). Pour avoir un jet ski en simple (1jet ski= 1pers) le prix est de 72€ par personne. Nous devons être prévenus avant merci. Du fait des procédures d’Airbnb, il est seulement possible de payer 41€ par personne au moment de la réservation. Donc dans le cas de vouloir des jet ski en simple il vous faudra payer le solde restant le jour de l’activité avant le départ. Nous allons découvrir les côtes de San Miguel, Arona et Adeje: Nous verrons la montagne jaune, la Costa del silencio, le phare de Punta Rasca ... Nous croisons parfois des baleines, des dauphins et des tortues. Des photos et des vidéos sont prises pour que vous ayez de beaux souvenirs (non inclus). Des douches et des toilettes sont disponibles. A partir de 2 jet ski, une caution est nécessaire afin de garantir le respect des règles de sécurité (50 euros par jet ski). Restituée à la fin. Il est important d'arriver 20 minutes avant l'heure réservée.
Ocean tour, Kayak y Snorkel con tortugas
Una espectacular ruta en kayak por la costa volcánica de Tenerife sur, donde visitaremos cuevas, haremos esnórquel con tortugas y con un poco de suerte encontraremos delfines libres por el camino. Los kayaks son cómodos y con asientos acolchonados, incluimos chalecos, neoprenos y el material para snorkel como gafas normales con tubo o full face. Haremos un reportaje con fotos y videos que regalaremos a todos los participantes. Ofrecemos agua y fruta. Una excursión para todos, familias, parejas y amigos. Nuestro centro es ubicado en el paseo Marítimo frente de la Playa de Los Cristianos. Nuestro equipo es muy preparado, tenemos muchas experiencia por la costa sur y conocemos cada esquina de este magnifico rincón de paraíso. Nuestros grupos son de máximo 10 personas (5 kayaks dobles) para cada instructor guía.
Cours de surf (photos comprises)
Nous donnons des cours de surf tous les jours de la semaine pour les niveaux débutants et avancés pour adultes et enfants. Les cours de groupe sont de maximum 4 personnes pour chaque instructeur pour donner une meilleure qualité à nos cours et pour que le client repart satisfait à tout moment. Le point de rendez-vous sera à Playa de las Américas, à 30 mètres de la plage.Nous commencerons nos cours par une partie théorique où toute la technique est expliquée, position sur la planche, entrer dans l'eau, pagayer, décoller, comment rider les réglementations sur les ondes et de sécurité; Après la partie théorique, un petit échauffement et nous continuons à pratiquer dans l'eau, avec l'aide de votre moniteur vous profiterez de vos vagues !!! Après le cours sur la plage, nous ferons 2 minutes d'étirement. On termine avec de l'eau, du jus, des collations, une douche ... et on a envie de se répéter! Une expérience unique avec plaisir garanti !!!
Observez les baleines et dauphins
El Roulette es un velero de 12 metros con capacidad para 10 pasajeros y 2 tripulantes, partimos desde Puerto Colón (Costa Adeje), ubicado en el centro de la zona Zec (zona para la especial conservación de los cetáceos), saldremos al mar abierto, normalmente a unas tres millas de la costa ya es suficiente para ver una gran cantidad de vida marina (hasta 29 especies de cetáceos, 4 tipos de tortugas marinas y 11 tipos de aves marinas), todo ello rodeado por un increíble paisaje de fondo de la isla de Tenerife, la cual tiene el tercer volcán más alto del mundo desde su base, El Teide, con unos 3.718m. Colaboramos recogiendo residuos para conservar el medio marino. Como colofon fondearemos en una espectacular bahía, La Caleta de Adeje, catalogada como sitio de interes cientifico, debido a la diversidad de lavas, así como de especies endemicas vegetales y diferentes aves marinas. Allí distribuiremos equipos de snorkel y nos bañaremos en sus aguas cristalinas, comeremos y regresaremos al puerto observando la costa y las montañas de Adeje. Incluye: Servicio de recogida de hotel/apto. a 20Kms de Puerto Colon(excepto sabado y domingo), bebida, comida y equipo de snorkel.
Initiation au surf
Nuestras clases tienen una duración de dos horas, todo el material que necesitas ( tabla, traje y escarpines) viene incluido en el precio y nosotros te lo aportamos. No se requiere de experiencia previa, solo ganas de aprender y disfrutar de este maravilloso deporte, nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Uno de nuestros puntos mas fuertes es que nuestro equipo de instructores, no son solo expertos en surf y la enseñanza, sino que han sido campeones nacionales y de Europa de surf y su pasión y habilidad se reflejan en cada lección que imparten. Del mismo modo En nuestra escuela, hemos elaborado guías de surf exclusivas para Playa de las Américas, lo que significa que estamos comprometidos a brindarte la mejor experiencia posible en esta hermosa playa. Estas guías te ayudarán a familiarizarte con los puntos de surf locales, las mareas y las condiciones ideales para aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo en el agua. En definitiva Somos una escuela local arraigada en la comunidad de Playa de las Américas. Conocemos los secretos de esta playa como nadie más y estamos comprometidos a brindarte una experiencia auténtica y única.
Histoire des Canaries et éco-visite autour de la pomme de terre
I invite you to join me on this cultural walk through the Canary village of Icod el Alto. Through this local village, symbols of the ancestral customs that shaped the life of the islanders still survive. From the heart of the village we will walk along the Royal Road that connects the entire island since the XV century. During the walk, we will learn about general history of Canary Islands, the economy of the islands and understand the present cultural and natural heritages of the islands. According to recorded history, Icod el Alto was the first place where present Canary potatoes where planted. Today 29 varieties are protected by the government, being unique seeds harvested and selected by local families since the XVI century. During the tour, we will also learn about the Canary potatoes as well as ecological and sustainable ways of keep local seeds alive and away from the hands of big seed banks. If you like understanding what you see during your stay in Tenerife and learn about history, this is your tour. Friends, couples and families are welcome to join on this local adventure. Depending on the season and availability, we will taste local and ecological Canary potatoes. The activity only host reduced groups of 4-6 people tops.
Tu Paparazzi Personal en la isla
Tenerife es un lugar lleno de bellos rincones que cautivan, un lugar para la contemplación, quiero invitarte a que la conozcas a través de mi lente, contando historias de tu paso por la isla, ​​contigo como protagonista. Seré tu paparazzi personal capturando tu experiencia con imágenes documentales y sin poses. Haremos una ruta a pie, por algunos de mis rincones favoritos del Municipio de Puerto de la Cruz para que puedas conocer calles, jardines, arte urbano, y disfrutar del atardecer en la playa. Será una caminata relajada, compartiendo contigo mientras tomo fotos maravillosas de ti en estos escenarios. Si no tienes experiencia en sesiones de fotos no te preocupes, como anfitrión te ire guiando y asesorando para lograr fotos creativas y darte mis recomendaciones para que puedas sacar el máximo provecho a tu visita en la isla. Ya he sido anfitrión de una experiencia similar en Barcelona valorada con 4,97 estrellas donde he fotografiado a más de mil viajeros. Puedes conocer más de mi trabajo en instagram en @franciscoblancophotos.