Province of Lecco : activités uniques

Province of Lecco : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Les secrets de fabrication des pâtes et du tiramisu
If you don't see a date that works for you, pls send me a message. This is an unique italian cooking lesson. You’ll be welcome in my historical house in the centre of Milan with an amazing view over the city from a terrace luxuriant of flowers and trees. You’ll eat the delicious dishes you prepared: pasta, ravioli, tiramisù that come with an excellent wine and limoncello prepared with my own terrace’s lemons. I will reveal you all the secrets about tagliatelle and the famous ravioli so that you will go back home as an authentic Italian chef. What about bringing a very sweet memory from Italy, one that will always be in your heart? The secret of the classic tiramisù, a family recipe that follows the one of its creator: soft, sweet, delicious and unique! Your friends home will be surprised when you will serve them homemade plates you learned following typical italian recipes in an unique and rare location; the fun experience will leave an unforgettable and marvellous memory. AIR CONDITIONING Cooking is a family tradition: when the grandma Bruna is too tired, her daughter and grandaughter or grandson will replace her. In our family we all had the best grandmother as teacher My house hosts to a well-behaved and joyful dog and a few unobtrusive and invisible cats that observe whatever goes on from the roof of the orangery. The class consists of min of 10 and max of 14 participants
pasta et pasta cooking class
Je vais vous apprendre à realizer les plats plus populaires de la cuisine italienne. Pendant la lesson je vais vous parler de nutricion: ce qui vas bien et ce qui est mieux eviter….sans oublier qu'on doit aussi se soigner de notre sprit. Pendant la lesson on va preparer des pates fraiches (tagliatelle), du ragout de viande a la bolognaise, spaghetti a la carbonara et la troisieme sauce sera selon votre desir et la saison. Si vous avez de restriction alimentaire avisez moi et on vas organizer un menu selon votre exigeance Autres remarques j'aiun chiene merveilleuse, mais si vous avez peur je vais l'eloigner
Apprenez les bases de la voile sur le lac de Côme
Dopo aver messo in acqua la barca ed armato le vele, proveremo a sfruttare la forza del vento per dirigere verso alcune delle più belle località turistiche del lago di Como: Bellagio, Varenna, Menaggio. Impareremo i nomi delle vele e delle manovre, le regolazioni della vela randa e del genoa secondo la provenienza del vento e l'andatura della barca; vi illustrerò come tenere il timone e lo scafo sempre veloce con le vele regolate per sfruttare al massimo la pressione dell'aria. Faremo prove di ormeggio al gavitello, ed in banchina. Proveremo il cambio delle vele secondo l'intensità del vento e dell'andatura della barca, in modo tale che a fine giornata l'ospite avrà una panoramica generale di cosa voglia dire sfruttare il vento per muoversi sull'acqua in sicurezza. Sì perchè farò accenno anche a cosa si deve fare e non fare in mare per poter sempre veleggiare in completa sicurezza ed evitare episodi spiacevoli quando le condizioni meteorologiche cambiano anche improvvisamente. Non mancheranno i momenti di relax, e perchè no, un tuffo in acqua se la giornata lo permetterà. A differenza dei corsi di vela veri e propri, non prevedo lezioni specifiche suddivise in più giornate, in quanto non è lo scopo dell'esperienza: che sarà provare la sensazione e capire cosa vuol dire andare a vela sfruttando qualcosa che non si vede ma solo si sente: il vento, il vero motore della barca. Altre cose da tenere a mente E' richiesto agli ospiti di saper nuotare o stare a galla, e di avere confidenzialità con l'acqua. Non esiste il pericolo di soffrire di mal di mare.
Préparons des pizzas !
Welcome to my hands-on experience. I truly believe that everybody can prepare excellent pizzas at home. Therefore, everyone will have fun kneading, by hand, their pizza dough. The purpose is to learn to make pizza without professional equipment, so we will bake our pizzas in a kitchen oven. I will give you all the tips to bake a pizza, crafted with your own hands, that you will want to share with your family, friends, and everyone around you. You will learn how to knead the dough and handle the fermentation. I will tell you how to choose, prepare, and use the toppings for your pizza. Also, I will show you the baking strategy to obtain a pizza that is crispy outside and very airy inside. After the class, I will mail the step-by-step recipe to you. Finally, we will eat pizza and drink some complimentary wine to celebrate life as Italians do. Other things to note Sorry, we can't provide gluten-free or vegan food. This experience includes alcohol. Only guests who meet the legal drinking age will be served alcoholic beverages. IG: @labefanamrd
Rando en montagne au lac de Côme
Un'esperienza unica che unisce la scoperta della città di Lecco ad una splendida camminata in montagna. Inizieremo a muovere i primi passi partendo dalla città storica, esplorando le vie del centro e il lungolago, per poi inoltrarci dentro un fitto bosco, colmo di alberi e fiori. Percorreremo il sentiero del Monte Barro che ci porterà alla terrazza panoramica di Pian Sciresa, dove potremo ammirare alte montagne rocciose che si tuffano in un lago a specchio, il meraviglioso Lago di Como. Sarai sorpreso nello scoprire come i lecchesi possono facilmente accedere alle montagne partendo dal centro, ritrovandosi completamente immersi nella natura e poi godendo di uno spettacolo tutto da ammirare. La parte di trekking prevede una scalinata e poi un sentiero in salita, il dislivello è di circa 250 metri in poco più di 1 km. Una volta raggiunto il nostro punto panoramico, potremo ammirare il bellissimo ramo est del lago e le montagne circostanti. L'esperienza è un giro ad anello, concluderemo la camminata a Malgrate, sulla sponda opposta della città di Lecco. Preparati ad affrontare una bella salita carico di energia per godere di una vista mozzafiato!

Province of Lecco : découvrez le lac

Voilier au coucher du soleil sur le Lac de Côme
You will be protagonists of a magic experience! Visit the most enchanting places on Lake Como from a new perspective on board a 38 foot sailboat with private skipper. We will meet at 6 pm at the jetty of picturesque Pescallo bay. after boarding we will sail to "tre Pini", hidden cliff of Bellagio, that looks so wild in the evening and will make you feel like in an island of Thailand. If you like we will stop for a swim and enjoy the lights of sunset light. There is an italian aperitif with local snacks and a nice bottle of Prosecco. We will sail along the coast towards the south in the shadow of Villa Balbianello, Villa Melzi, the waterfall of Fiumelatte then returned to the shore of Bellagio, you'll observe other fascinating villas and gardens hidden, unless you are on a boat. At the end, back to Pescallo, last sunlights gardens of Villa Serbelloni. Other things to note: please advise us if you have any food allergy, vegan, vegetarian, celiac we'll make you a special food option, minimum to set the sail 2 person
Boat Party Lake Como
Ci troveremo davanti alla Chiesa di Argegno per poi imbarcarci dal pontile privato. Ospiteremo un massimo di 10 partecipanti, per cui se non trovi posto direttamente contattaci. Lentamente inizieremo a navigheremo Verso l' isola Comacina, passando i villaggi di Colonno e Sala Comacina, ci fermeremo nel canale dell' Isola, davanti al Villaggio di Ossuccio. Durante il Boat Party con musica e open bar vi offriremo ottimo Prosecco, avremo a disposizione anche soft drink e acqua. Ascolteremo musica e balleremo, si potrà nuotare e avere momenti di piacevole convivialità tipica italiana. Prima del rientro passeremo davanti a Villa Balbianello, Villa Cassinella e Villa Balbiano, per poi fare rientro ad Argegno. Questa esperienza è dedicata a persone che hanno voglia di stare insieme e divertirsi in serenità e buon umore, senza nessun tipo di eccesso.
Excursion privée en bateau en bois sur le lac de Côme
THE TOUR IS PRIVATE FOR THE GUEST(s) WHO BOOK. Explore Lake Como on board your private wooden speed-boat. Meet your friendly captain and enjoy an amazing trip in the most fascinating part of the lake. This is a private tour and the price includes the tour for 7 people maximum . Caden are wooden-hulled speedboats that were to become the epitome of the jet-set era of the 1950s and 1960s. You will see famous Villa Balbianello, where James Bond movies and Star Wars were featured. You will pass by Comacina Island and if you want you will enjoy a nice swim among its clean and pure waters. You will then proceed to Bellagio, one of the most iconic place in Italy ! You will have another nice stop and swim here relaxing with your friends and family. You will then proceed to Tremezzo and your captain will show you famous Villa Carlotta, which attracts thousands of travellers every week. You will finally end your tour where it started and will leave with an unforgettable memory ! Other things to note please bring some sun cream and towels PS Pick up In Bellagio , Varenna and other villages is available UPON REQUEST for a small extra fee.
Photo Shoot in Bellagio
In this experience I will take photos and show you my town walking through the alleys and cobblestones stairways of Bellagio. We will stop to admire Lake Como from a point where the view from above is wonderful. We will arrive down to the edge of the lake and walk a bit along the lakefront where the landscape becomes all close together. Here we will have the Lake and the mountains behind you. Half of the time we will be in the middle of the alleys and the other half by the lake. In all this time I will take photos of you, we will do some poses and some natural photos. I will explain how to pose to look as natural as possible. You will have the photos within a maximum of 7 days. I am a "Bellagino" and it is an honor for me to show you my town. If you want me outside Bellagio do you need to book like a private group. Some info: - Wearing comfortable shoes can help along the way, Bellagio is full of cobblestone stairways. - Floral or pastel colored dresses for her and dark solid colors for him can help with the landscaping. - Always carry your sunglasses with you, they can help on sunny days. FOR PROPOSALS : You'll receive the plans 6 days before the meeting day. FOR GROUPS : From 2-4 adults is okay selecting 2 (is my rate from 2-4 adults) From 5-8 please select 3 adults From 9-12 please select 4 adults Kids until 12 are always free
Découvrez trois magnifiques lacs à vélo électrique
This fantastic circular route delivers it all: hidden villages, rustic charm, spectacular lake views, quiet mountain roads to cycle, and a stop on Lake Lugano. Start from the heart of a small Renaissance hamlet with traditional cobbled streets and historic stone houses. Follow the quiet cycle path that was originally the old railway line connecting Lake Como to Lake Lugano. Pass the charming Lake Piano nature reserve; hidden Romanesque churches and tiny villages before arriving directly on the beach of Lake Lugano with expansive views across the water. Explore the old centre of Porlezza-the perfect spot for an ice-cream or aperitivo before starting the climb into the mountains. Ride a section of original medieval road and weave through quaint village squares untouched by tourism. Finish with a panoramic downhill ride with views across Lake Como. This experience showcases the beautifully diverse scenery of the area and shares fun anecdotes of real people's lives. DIFFICULTY: Expect an active, mini adventure of 28km with uphills, downhills, narrow village roads and some gravel sections. Athleticism, confidence and understanding of a geared bicycle are required. An e-bike is a normal bicycle including battery assistance for uphills. OPTIONAL: Pick up from Menaggio ferry station paid on-site and requested in advance. The ferry connects to Bellagio, Varenna and Como among others.

Province of Lecco : toutes les activités à proximité

Boat Party Lake Como
Ci troveremo davanti alla Chiesa di Argegno per poi imbarcarci dal pontile privato. Ospiteremo un massimo di 10 partecipanti, per cui se non trovi posto direttamente contattaci. Lentamente inizieremo a navigheremo Verso l' isola Comacina, passando i villaggi di Colonno e Sala Comacina, ci fermeremo nel canale dell' Isola, davanti al Villaggio di Ossuccio. Durante il Boat Party con musica e open bar vi offriremo ottimo Prosecco, avremo a disposizione anche soft drink e acqua. Ascolteremo musica e balleremo, si potrà nuotare e avere momenti di piacevole convivialità tipica italiana. Prima del rientro passeremo davanti a Villa Balbianello, Villa Cassinella e Villa Balbiano, per poi fare rientro ad Argegno. Questa esperienza è dedicata a persone che hanno voglia di stare insieme e divertirsi in serenità e buon umore, senza nessun tipo di eccesso.
Les secrets de fabrication des pâtes et du tiramisu
If you don't see a date that works for you, pls send me a message. This is an unique italian cooking lesson. You’ll be welcome in my historical house in the centre of Milan with an amazing view over the city from a terrace luxuriant of flowers and trees. You’ll eat the delicious dishes you prepared: pasta, ravioli, tiramisù that come with an excellent wine and limoncello prepared with my own terrace’s lemons. I will reveal you all the secrets about tagliatelle and the famous ravioli so that you will go back home as an authentic Italian chef. What about bringing a very sweet memory from Italy, one that will always be in your heart? The secret of the classic tiramisù, a family recipe that follows the one of its creator: soft, sweet, delicious and unique! Your friends home will be surprised when you will serve them homemade plates you learned following typical italian recipes in an unique and rare location; the fun experience will leave an unforgettable and marvellous memory. AIR CONDITIONING Cooking is a family tradition: when the grandma Bruna is too tired, her daughter and grandaughter or grandson will replace her. In our family we all had the best grandmother as teacher My house hosts to a well-behaved and joyful dog and a few unobtrusive and invisible cats that observe whatever goes on from the roof of the orangery. The class consists of min of 10 and max of 14 participants
pasta et pasta cooking class
Je vais vous apprendre à realizer les plats plus populaires de la cuisine italienne. Pendant la lesson je vais vous parler de nutricion: ce qui vas bien et ce qui est mieux eviter….sans oublier qu'on doit aussi se soigner de notre sprit. Pendant la lesson on va preparer des pates fraiches (tagliatelle), du ragout de viande a la bolognaise, spaghetti a la carbonara et la troisieme sauce sera selon votre desir et la saison. Si vous avez de restriction alimentaire avisez moi et on vas organizer un menu selon votre exigeance Autres remarques j'aiun chiene merveilleuse, mais si vous avez peur je vais l'eloigner
Excursion privée en bateau en bois sur le lac de Côme
THE TOUR IS PRIVATE FOR THE GUEST(s) WHO BOOK. Explore Lake Como on board your private wooden speed-boat. Meet your friendly captain and enjoy an amazing trip in the most fascinating part of the lake. This is a private tour and the price includes the tour for 7 people maximum . Caden are wooden-hulled speedboats that were to become the epitome of the jet-set era of the 1950s and 1960s. You will see famous Villa Balbianello, where James Bond movies and Star Wars were featured. You will pass by Comacina Island and if you want you will enjoy a nice swim among its clean and pure waters. You will then proceed to Bellagio, one of the most iconic place in Italy ! You will have another nice stop and swim here relaxing with your friends and family. You will then proceed to Tremezzo and your captain will show you famous Villa Carlotta, which attracts thousands of travellers every week. You will finally end your tour where it started and will leave with an unforgettable memory ! Other things to note please bring some sun cream and towels PS Pick up In Bellagio , Varenna and other villages is available UPON REQUEST for a small extra fee.
Visite du vignoble et dégustation de vins locaux
Passeggeremo tra i filari di pinot nero mentre vi svelerò i segreti di questo territorio, che risulta perfetto per la coltivazione della vite. Sotto il pergolato degusteremo i migliori vini che il Lago di Como e le montagne circostanti ci donano, abbinati a prodotti tipici locali. Perfetto per principianti ed esperti, imparerete le varie tecniche di degustazione, i vari abbinamenti cibo e vino e molto altro sul mondo della viticoltura! In caso di allergie, intolleranze alimentari e dieta vegana si prega di farlo presente, scrivendo un messaggio in chat; saremo lieti di proporvi cibi alternativi :)
Apprenez les bases de la voile sur le lac de Côme
Dopo aver messo in acqua la barca ed armato le vele, proveremo a sfruttare la forza del vento per dirigere verso alcune delle più belle località turistiche del lago di Como: Bellagio, Varenna, Menaggio. Impareremo i nomi delle vele e delle manovre, le regolazioni della vela randa e del genoa secondo la provenienza del vento e l'andatura della barca; vi illustrerò come tenere il timone e lo scafo sempre veloce con le vele regolate per sfruttare al massimo la pressione dell'aria. Faremo prove di ormeggio al gavitello, ed in banchina. Proveremo il cambio delle vele secondo l'intensità del vento e dell'andatura della barca, in modo tale che a fine giornata l'ospite avrà una panoramica generale di cosa voglia dire sfruttare il vento per muoversi sull'acqua in sicurezza. Sì perchè farò accenno anche a cosa si deve fare e non fare in mare per poter sempre veleggiare in completa sicurezza ed evitare episodi spiacevoli quando le condizioni meteorologiche cambiano anche improvvisamente. Non mancheranno i momenti di relax, e perchè no, un tuffo in acqua se la giornata lo permetterà. A differenza dei corsi di vela veri e propri, non prevedo lezioni specifiche suddivise in più giornate, in quanto non è lo scopo dell'esperienza: che sarà provare la sensazione e capire cosa vuol dire andare a vela sfruttando qualcosa che non si vede ma solo si sente: il vento, il vero motore della barca. Altre cose da tenere a mente E' richiesto agli ospiti di saper nuotare o stare a galla, e di avere confidenzialità con l'acqua. Non esiste il pericolo di soffrire di mal di mare.
Photo Shoot in Bellagio
In this experience I will take photos and show you my town walking through the alleys and cobblestones stairways of Bellagio. We will stop to admire Lake Como from a point where the view from above is wonderful. We will arrive down to the edge of the lake and walk a bit along the lakefront where the landscape becomes all close together. Here we will have the Lake and the mountains behind you. Half of the time we will be in the middle of the alleys and the other half by the lake. In all this time I will take photos of you, we will do some poses and some natural photos. I will explain how to pose to look as natural as possible. You will have the photos within a maximum of 7 days. I am a "Bellagino" and it is an honor for me to show you my town. If you want me outside Bellagio do you need to book like a private group. Some info: - Wearing comfortable shoes can help along the way, Bellagio is full of cobblestone stairways. - Floral or pastel colored dresses for her and dark solid colors for him can help with the landscaping. - Always carry your sunglasses with you, they can help on sunny days. FOR PROPOSALS : You'll receive the plans 6 days before the meeting day. FOR GROUPS : From 2-4 adults is okay selecting 2 (is my rate from 2-4 adults) From 5-8 please select 3 adults From 9-12 please select 4 adults Kids until 12 are always free
Dégustation de vins dans une cave du lac de Côme
Discover how a fine wine is born, see where it ages and enjoy samples on a tour and tasting at a Lake Como winery. Enjoy local delicacies as well. Spend an enjoyable day at a prestigious winery in Domaso on Lake Como. Visit the wine cellar and then enjoy the wine tasting session in the tasting terrace surrounded by Alps and an amazing view on Lake Como. With the guide of the winemaker you will enjoy 3 fine wines paired with local food delicacies, white wine with local ham and olive oil, red wine with local cheese and other sophisticated pairings. Naturally leavened bread made with special flour accompanies each tasting. You will learn about local viticulture as well as the stages of wine production. We highly recommend to check your route before traveling and find out the best way for you to get to the winery, the main ways to get there are with your own vehicle, by bus from Como or Lake Villages line C 1O (from Como - Stazione S.Giovanni, in Domaso: Piazza Ghislanzoni) and with the Navigazione laghi , check the availability on the web in the period of your experience of the fast-hydrofoils with stop in Domaso and buy your tickets in advance. When you are in Domaso, you have to walk about 20-30 minutes to reach us. If you don’t want to walk, please text us for a taxi service price not included
Découvrez trois magnifiques lacs à vélo électrique
This fantastic circular route delivers it all: hidden villages, rustic charm, spectacular lake views, quiet mountain roads to cycle, and a stop on Lake Lugano. Start from the heart of a small Renaissance hamlet with traditional cobbled streets and historic stone houses. Follow the quiet cycle path that was originally the old railway line connecting Lake Como to Lake Lugano. Pass the charming Lake Piano nature reserve; hidden Romanesque churches and tiny villages before arriving directly on the beach of Lake Lugano with expansive views across the water. Explore the old centre of Porlezza-the perfect spot for an ice-cream or aperitivo before starting the climb into the mountains. Ride a section of original medieval road and weave through quaint village squares untouched by tourism. Finish with a panoramic downhill ride with views across Lake Como. This experience showcases the beautifully diverse scenery of the area and shares fun anecdotes of real people's lives. DIFFICULTY: Expect an active, mini adventure of 28km with uphills, downhills, narrow village roads and some gravel sections. Athleticism, confidence and understanding of a geared bicycle are required. An e-bike is a normal bicycle including battery assistance for uphills. OPTIONAL: Pick up from Menaggio ferry station paid on-site and requested in advance. The ferry connects to Bellagio, Varenna and Como among others.
Visite photo avec un photographe professionnel
Fotografie senza tempo sulle sponde del Lago di Como. L’obbiettivo di questa esperienza è quello di realizzare un fantastico servizio fotografico tra gli scorci di uno dei laghi più belli del mondo. Inizieremo dal Lido di Varenna e continueremo lungo la riva fino ad arrivare alla foce di Fiumelatte. Lungo il percorso attraverseremo anche alcune delle viette di questa fantastica perla del Lago. * Se hai qualche dubbio riguardo all'esperienza non esitare a contattarmi. ** Tutti i servizi fotografici sono privati ​​e non un'esperienza di gruppo. ** Sono disponibile a muovermi in diverse location dell' alto Lario (es. Dongo, Domaso, Tremezzo, ...) ** Gli orari sono flessibili, scrivetemi e ci metteremo d'accordo per l'orario migliore in base alle vostre esigenze *** Questa esperienza non è solo per i turisti. *** Si invita a non prenotare per l'ultimo giorno della vostra vacanza. Nel caso dovessimo riprogrammare a causa maltempo possiamo farlo per un momento successivo o un altro giorno. Airbnb offre rimborsi solo per condizioni meteorologiche pericolose.
Croisière privée en bateau rétro
We will meet in front of the church of Argegno, next to it the access that leads directly to the private dock where the boat is located. As soon as we get on the boat, I will make a quick description of the boat and the safety equipment and then, will happily start the experience. The boat is a proper boat, takes the origins from a traditional and classic boat, which was born from Positano in the Sorrento Peninsula. Its humble sea origins and wood’s sparkle, with which it was created, are an irresistible attraction for lovers of boat tours. Visiting Lake Como on board of a typical Mediterranean boat definitely gives to your tour a touch of authenticity and style. The tour is going to: Colonno, Comacina island, Villa Balbiano, Villa la Cassinella, Villa del Balbianello, Villa Sola Cabiati, Grand Hotel Tremezzo, Villa Carlotta, Bellagio, Villa Melzi and a final stop to Ponte del Diavolo for a refreshing swim before heading back to the dock in Argegno. You can also find me on maps, just type out: Lake Como by boat Argegno.
Préparons des pizzas !
Welcome to my hands-on experience. I truly believe that everybody can prepare excellent pizzas at home. Therefore, everyone will have fun kneading, by hand, their pizza dough. The purpose is to learn to make pizza without professional equipment, so we will bake our pizzas in a kitchen oven. I will give you all the tips to bake a pizza, crafted with your own hands, that you will want to share with your family, friends, and everyone around you. You will learn how to knead the dough and handle the fermentation. I will tell you how to choose, prepare, and use the toppings for your pizza. Also, I will show you the baking strategy to obtain a pizza that is crispy outside and very airy inside. After the class, I will mail the step-by-step recipe to you. Finally, we will eat pizza and drink some complimentary wine to celebrate life as Italians do. Other things to note Sorry, we can't provide gluten-free or vegan food. This experience includes alcohol. Only guests who meet the legal drinking age will be served alcoholic beverages. IG: @labefanamrd
Visite en kayak du lac de Côme en petit groupe
In our activity we'll explore the lake from best place to do it, lake itself. We'll enjoy exclusive views and hidden natural spots not accessible otherwise from Bellagio standard touristic routes and without a kayak. Two-hour kayaking tour on Lake Como from Pescallo di Bellagio beach through Pescallo bay along the Rockefeller cliffs and the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni. During the adventure, we will properly prepare you prior to departure and ensure maximum safety conditions. Your small group will see the sights from the water and enjoy the fantastic views of the countryside and area from your own kayak. Head out on the lake to start your adventure at 10am with your open deck kayaks. We will provide narration and assistance throughout the tour. Circumnavigate the Bellagio peninsula, which offers an open view of the landscape to the north lake and the Alps. On your left will be Villa Serbelloni and Rockefeller Foundation Park, which is an untouched a preserved green area park. On your right will be Varenna’s coast. After rounding the peninsula’s edge, you will find the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni where you will start heading back to Pescallo Other things to note You should be in good health and able to manage water, swim
Lasagna con Roby al Looch
Vi ricevo a casa mia, una casa tipica lombarda ricavata da un fienile/legnaia, una casa arredata con i mobili della nonna, ai quale ho dato una seconda vita aggiungendo il mio tocco personale. Vi preparerò un antipasto di bruschette varie per socializzare, poi serviró un piatto di lasagne al pesto con la pasta fresca fatta in casa. Avrete l'opportunità d'imparare a stendera la pasta e condividerò con voi la mia passione della cucina e le tradizione locali . Chiuderemo con un dolce, idealmente con l'urtadel tipico di questa zona, oppure con una delle mie torte del momento.
Dîner maison et bavardage dans un beau jardin avec vue sur le lac
Nous sommes ravis de vous accueillir dans une expérience culinaire unique qui célèbre l'excellence de la cuisine italienne. Chaque plat sera préparé avec le plus grand soin et une attention particulière à la qualité des ingrédients, pour vous offrir un authentique voyage gastronomique parmi les saveurs traditionnelles de notre terre. Votre expérience sera encore enrichie par la vue imprenable sur les montagnes majestueuses qui donnent sur les charmantes eaux bleues du lac de Côme. Une combinaison parfaite entre goût et beauté, pour un moment inoubliable de pur plaisir et de détente. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir le meilleur de la cuisine italienne, immergé dans un cadre naturel d'une splendeur incomparable. Enfin, nous ne pouvons pas oublier de mentionner Kira, notre poilue à quatre pattes, qui est toujours heureuse de faire de nouvelles connaissances et ajoute une touche de chaleur et d'affection à la famille.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italie
  3. Lombardie
  4. Province of Lecco