Free municipal consortium of Trapani : activités uniques

Free municipal consortium of Trapani : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Cuisine de rue sans filtre et marchés de Palerme
If you want to taste authentic Sicilian street food and catch the real soul of Palermo, this is the right choice! We will walk you around the Capo and Vucciria markets to enjoy the best local street food. You will try the original arancini recipe at the only place in town that still makes it! We will take you to family-run bakeries, delis and old inns to sample traditional street food and sip some regional wine ;) We will unveil the secrets of Sicilian cuisine, and discuss the history of foods and recipes. You'll meet market vendors and funny street characters. Try this out if you want to experience real Palermo and leave your comfort zone. Not only food! During the walk, we will also discuss other topics like history, traditions and social issues (eg. mafia). We will also share with you the best tips to enjoy the rest of your stay like a real local. MUST KNOW: traditional street food is super tasty and regulated by the "3 F" rule: Fried, Fat, Full of carbs. MORNING TOUR: explore the local markets of Capo and Vucciria. Choose the morning option to experience the colorful and lively markets. EVENING TOUR: let us take you around the intricate alleys of the modern port of La Cala and the busy nightlife area of La Vucciria. Choose the night tour to skip summer heat and try some unique night-time bites. If there are any vegetarians or pescatarians, please inform us previously.
Photoshoot per Instagram nel cuore di Palermo
This is a photo tour adapted to anyone! Solo travelers, Couples, Families, Friends, Models, Influencers, or people just tired of selfies! Great for groups! Photo memories in the authentic Historic Center: We will hit the old streets of Palermo, seeking out its landmarks and secret squares, I will share with you my favorite spots and of course we will walk through the most iconic locations of the city, while capturing the moment for you with my camera. First time having a photoshoot? There is no need to worry. Even if this is the first time you take a photoshoot it's going to be easy since I will tell you everything of how to pose. And whether you want a photo shoot with your partner, family or friends, this will be a very fun experience. It will be a good walk so you should be prepared to have fun on the way. If you care about fashion and stylish stuff, I recommend you to bring some clothes more, in this way you will have photos with different outfits. Sounds good? If you want know more about me and my photo style check my 2 ig pages @chiarafantauzza and @chiaraswalks *I will send all your best photos (100 or more photos for 10 spots) in 2 days max* ** From MAY, I will have a collaborator trained by me, that, of course, will respect my style of photos. Mainly I will always be there with you, but it could happen that sometimes he will do the tour on my behalf**
Balade et street food à Palerme
The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR of Palermo lasts 3 hours. My group tour is not just a food tour, but it's a mix of history, culture, architecture, monuments and street food. The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR starts at 9.30 am, with me or with my team of official Tour Guides and we will walk for about 4 km. In the first part of the Walking Tour we will visit monuments and churches and in the second part of the Walking Tour we will explore the big outdoor food market and we will eat the famous street food of Palermo (food included, no fish). At the end of the tour I will give you many suggestions of what you can do on your own in Palermo. You will understand Palermo and its old history! This group tour is not suggested for little children under 7 years old, the group tour is in english. Other things to note: Street food tastings like arancini, focaccia, fresh juice, cannoli, etc (it’s like a lunch! food included, no fish) and entrances fees in the churches that we will visit are included. Before book a private tour please send me a message to check my availability.
Cours de cuisine sicilienne
On a typical lesson day we meet in the morning at one of Palermo’s oldest markets, shop around for any items we will need for the lesson and then stroll to the air-conditioned kitchen in The Sicilian Pantry cookery school where we prepare a 4 course Sicilian meal, learning the techniques and tricks needed to recreate it when you return home. Meals are made up of a starter, pasta course, main course and desert (changes can be made for individuals with specific dietary requirements where appropriate). After the lesson we can sit down together to enjoy the fruits of our labour along with a selection of Sicilian wines rounded off with some homemade liqueurs and coffee. We believe that the true expression of Sicilian cuisine comes from the quality of its fresh seasonal produce so we strive to always ensure that we have the best of what Sicily has to offer in order to share this with our guests. This is an entertaining and informative day out, recommended for cooks of all levels. Other things to note Please let us know as soon as possible if you (or any in your party) have any dietary requirements, intolerances etc.
Preparer des repas typique de Trapani fait maison
Ce qui on veux preparer sont des antiques recettes de notre famiglie. On prepare tout avec notre secrete qui on ce passe de génération en génération, donc on vous montrerai comme cuisiner notre specialité. Becaup des notre recettes sont adapte pour gens végétarien et végétalien. À la fin de notre experience vous etes prete pour preparer notre assiette tout Seul! Sa sera facil pour vous de preparer des pates fait maison quand vous voulais, et impressioner vostre famille et votre copains avec votre competence! le prix est de 35€ par persone! qu'est-ce que attendez-vous? Autres remarques ça serait mieux de ne pas avoir les ongles trop long et des Anneaux qui peut vous embêter pendant la préparation des notres recettes.

Free municipal consortium of Trapani : toutes les activités à proximité

Visite quotidienne des îles Egades, Favignana et Levanzo
Voulez-vous vivre une journée de mer et de détente inoubliable ? Avec notre visite, vous n'aurez plus à penser à rien, sauf pour vous déconnecter de la routine habituelle et vous immerger dans les eaux cristallines de nos îles. Grâce à nous, vous pourrez visiter Favignana et Levanzo en une seule journée, sans avoir besoin d'y passer la nuit et, surtout, de la meilleure perspective qu'il y a : la mer, à bord de canots pneumatiques modernes, haut de gamme en termes de sécurité et d'élégance, pas plus de 12 personnes ensemble. Programme : 09:45 - Meeting au point de rendez-vous : Marina Vento di Maestrale (Via dei Gladioli SNC, Trapani) 10 h 00 - Départ pour Favignana pour visiter les plus belles criques : - Cala Azzurra - Bue Marino - Cala Rossa 13:00 - Arrêt dans le charmant village de Favignana. Vous pouvez débarquer et le visiter en faisant une agréable pause déjeuner 14h30 - Repartir en direction de Levanzo, où vous pourrez vous baigner dans les plus beaux endroits : - Grotte des amoureux - Faraglioni - Cala Fredda - Cala Minnola ​18 h 00 - Retour dans le port de Trapani au point de départ Nous sommes sûrs que vous ne le regretterez pas ! Le service pourra être effectué par moi ou par mes collaborateurs Marco Claudio et Enrico. ]*Le nombre maximum de personnes présentes à bord varie de 8 à 12 passagers qui pourraient également provenir d'autres plates-formes.
Excursion d'une journée aux îles Egadi
Partiremo alle 10.00 da Trapani per una giornata di mare in barca tra le Isole di Favignana e Levanzo, tuffandoci in molte calette difficili da raggiungere dalla terraferma, il tutto all'interno dell'Area Marina Protetta più estesa d'Europa che ha permesso al mare di ripopolarsi di una flora e una fauna che scarseggiavano. Paesaggi mozzafiato e luoghi intrisi di storia e di cultura saranno a portata di mano (e di tuffo!) per il giorno più bello della vostra vacanza. La chicca del nostro tour é l'escursione alla suggestiva Grotta degli Innamorati di Favignana che si insinua per circa 30 metri all'interno delle rocce. Insomma un giorno di mare come un vero isolano farebbe!
Cuisine de rue sans filtre et marchés de Palerme
If you want to taste authentic Sicilian street food and catch the real soul of Palermo, this is the right choice! We will walk you around the Capo and Vucciria markets to enjoy the best local street food. You will try the original arancini recipe at the only place in town that still makes it! We will take you to family-run bakeries, delis and old inns to sample traditional street food and sip some regional wine ;) We will unveil the secrets of Sicilian cuisine, and discuss the history of foods and recipes. You'll meet market vendors and funny street characters. Try this out if you want to experience real Palermo and leave your comfort zone. Not only food! During the walk, we will also discuss other topics like history, traditions and social issues (eg. mafia). We will also share with you the best tips to enjoy the rest of your stay like a real local. MUST KNOW: traditional street food is super tasty and regulated by the "3 F" rule: Fried, Fat, Full of carbs. MORNING TOUR: explore the local markets of Capo and Vucciria. Choose the morning option to experience the colorful and lively markets. EVENING TOUR: let us take you around the intricate alleys of the modern port of La Cala and the busy nightlife area of La Vucciria. Choose the night tour to skip summer heat and try some unique night-time bites. If there are any vegetarians or pescatarians, please inform us previously.
Visitez Favignana et Levanzo en bateau et zodiac
Il Tour alle isole Egadi comincia alle 10, e dopo aver mollato gli ormeggi durante la navigazione prima di arrivare a Favigana agli ospiti racconteremo la storia della città di Trapani, costellata da miti ed eventi storici di curiosità. Prima di tutto ci sarà la visita all'incantevole isola di Favignana con i suoi scorci più belli e il suo piccolo paesino caratteristico, il tutto sarà accompagnato da aperitivi tra le meravigliose coste della Farfalla sula mare (Favignana). Nel pomeriggio ci dirigeremo verso la selvaggia isola di Levanzo con le sue coste rocciose e il suo fondale Blu. Infine, prima del ritorno a Trapani organizzeremo verso l'orario del tramonto un ultimo aperitivo di fine giornata. Rientro a Trapani previsto per le 18.30 circa.
Escursione tour a Cavallo immersi nella natura
Unisciti a me su uno dei più bei tour a cavallo della Sicilia occidentale, partenza dal Maneggio Trapani Fort Apache ci recheremo verso uno dei percorsi più suggestivi della zona e creeremo dei ricordi indimenticabili. Attraverseremo gli ulivi e vigneti passeggiando godendo della bellezza di questo paesaggio incontaminato. Tutto questo percorso durerà circa 4/5 km e durerà circa 1 ora. Il percorso è facile e divertente per i principianti.
Tournée des bars à Palerme
Rejoignez la tournée des bars de Palerme pour une nuit amusante inoubliable, avec une bonne ambiance et des souvenirs incroyables. Ne manquez surtout pas : réservez dès aujourd'hui ! Classé #1 Vie nocturne à Palerme par TripAdvisor et Airbnb. 5 bars locaux. Offres de boissons exclusives (1 à 3 € ), des photos gratuites et un mélange de musique live et de DJ. Nous terminons la nuit lors d'une grande fête de rue appelée Vucciria. Nous commençons au Finch Lounge (Piazzetta Monteleone, 5). Si vous êtes en retard, faites-le nous savoir, et nous nous assurerons que vous trouverez notre emplacement. Rejoignez-nous pour une expérience incroyable. Une nuit à retenir Allons-y !
En immersion : excursion vers des sources chaudes depuis Trapani
The place we will visit is a work of nature. It's a hidden, secret spot. We will go for a sunset bath to the wild thermal springs located in a less popular place among tourists - about 35 minutes by van from Trapani. At the location we will have 3 hot springs, a hot water place hidden in a cave, and a river flowing along the canyon to cool down. You can take a mud bath using clay from the cave walls. The place is absolutely amazing and undoubtedly worth a visit. Without a doubt, its charm adds to its wildness and difficult access for tourists! We go in the evening, due to lower air temperature and better experience. Most of the time on the spot we will spend before the sunset. Transport to the site takes place in an 8-seater van equipped with air conditioning. The price of the attraction includes transport. Meeting point is at Trapani Railway Station. After our 8 mins walk from the place where we leave the car, we will be crossing a shallow stream. You don't want to wear long trousers or sneakres during it. Things you should take: 1. Towels 2. Swimming suits 3. Flip flops or water shoes 4. Water and drinks 5. It's ok to bring wine or beer! Don't take unnecessary stuff, you don't want to carry it!
À la découverte de la rébellion contre la mafia
En marchant ensemble à travers les routes principales et les ruelles de la vieille ville pittoresque, vous découvrirez la mafia, sa violence brutale et ses affaires, ainsi que les personnes qui se sont élevées contre le pouvoir du crime organisé. Nous nous arrêterons devant des monuments, des mémoriaux et des boutiques, chacun étant lié à un aspect particulier de notre histoire. Parfois, un petit détail, qui semble insignifiant à première vue, a derrière lui une histoire qui vaut la peine d'être racontée. Vous rencontrerez des commerçants qui ont dit NON à l'argent de la protection et entendrez leurs histoires: vous aurez également la chance de les soutenir, en achetant simplement une glace, des produits locaux ou un souvenir de Palerme. Autres choses à noter Vous pouvez me reconnaître car au point de rendez-vous j'aurai un sac à dos "No Mafia" sur mon épaule
Cours de cuisine sicilienne dans l'ancien domaine viticole Florio
Sono Liliana, ti accoglierò presso l'ex stabilimento Florio, facendo un tuffo nel passato, dove sotto l'antico porticato troverai allestita una cucina, con tutte le materie prime fresche e di stagione della nostra azienda che utilizzeremo insieme nella preparazione delle pietanze. Imparerai a preparare almeno due antipasti, come la caponata di melanzane oppure le arancine. Senza macchine, esattamente come mi ha insegnato mia mamma e prima ancora mia nonna, prepareremo la pasta fresca con farina di Perciasacchi di grano antico da noi prodotto, e il suo condimento ad esempio il pesto di mandorle. Non potrà mancare la preparazione di un dolce siciliano, come le cassatelle di ricotta fresca. Durante la giornata utilizzeremo anche le erbe aromatiche del nostro giardino, come la menta e il basilico per delle deliziose bruschette di pomodoro. In questa magica cornice, in cui il tempo sembra essersi fermato, ci ritroveremo a tavola per condividere i piatti fumanti, inebriandoci con i nostri Vini bianchi e rossi, curiosando tra gli abbinamenti possibili. Al termine della lezione potrai portare con te tutto ciò che prepareremo insieme.
Photoshoot per Instagram nel cuore di Palermo
This is a photo tour adapted to anyone! Solo travelers, Couples, Families, Friends, Models, Influencers, or people just tired of selfies! Great for groups! Photo memories in the authentic Historic Center: We will hit the old streets of Palermo, seeking out its landmarks and secret squares, I will share with you my favorite spots and of course we will walk through the most iconic locations of the city, while capturing the moment for you with my camera. First time having a photoshoot? There is no need to worry. Even if this is the first time you take a photoshoot it's going to be easy since I will tell you everything of how to pose. And whether you want a photo shoot with your partner, family or friends, this will be a very fun experience. It will be a good walk so you should be prepared to have fun on the way. If you care about fashion and stylish stuff, I recommend you to bring some clothes more, in this way you will have photos with different outfits. Sounds good? If you want know more about me and my photo style check my 2 ig pages @chiarafantauzza and @chiaraswalks *I will send all your best photos (100 or more photos for 10 spots) in 2 days max* ** From MAY, I will have a collaborator trained by me, that, of course, will respect my style of photos. Mainly I will always be there with you, but it could happen that sometimes he will do the tour on my behalf**
Balade et street food à Palerme
The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR of Palermo lasts 3 hours. My group tour is not just a food tour, but it's a mix of history, culture, architecture, monuments and street food. The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR starts at 9.30 am, with me or with my team of official Tour Guides and we will walk for about 4 km. In the first part of the Walking Tour we will visit monuments and churches and in the second part of the Walking Tour we will explore the big outdoor food market and we will eat the famous street food of Palermo (food included, no fish). At the end of the tour I will give you many suggestions of what you can do on your own in Palermo. You will understand Palermo and its old history! This group tour is not suggested for little children under 7 years old, the group tour is in english. Other things to note: Street food tastings like arancini, focaccia, fresh juice, cannoli, etc (it’s like a lunch! food included, no fish) and entrances fees in the churches that we will visit are included. Before book a private tour please send me a message to check my availability.
Découvrez la cuisine de rue de Palerme
We will take you on a journey through the flavors and aromas of Sicilian cuisine, starting with a visit to the local food market (open only during AM tour) Strolling through the market stalls we will introduce you to local vendors and show you how to select the best ingredients for our traditional recipes. After exploring the market we will continue our tour with several street food tastings and will end with a delicious dessert. During the PM tour you will taste the same local delicacies while strolling through famous squares where Giuseppe Garibaldi with his 1000 army soldiers declared Sicily the part of Italy and visit some main spots related to the Revolution. This is not just a street food tour, we will also share with you the local history, stories and anecdotes. Join us for this unforgettable gastronomic tour to experience the true flavors of Sicily and to connect with the local culture! POINTS OF INTEREST FOR AM TOUR: Teatro Massimo - Local Food Market - Cathedral - Quattro Canti Square - Fontana Pretoria (the last stop) POINTS OF INTEREST FOR PM TOUR: Quattro Canti Square - Fontana Pretoria - Piazza Sant'Anna - Piazza Rivoluzione - Piazza Marina - Harbour / Cala di Palermo (the last stop)
Visite de la magnifique côte de Terrasini et de ses criques
Naviguez pour découvrir le littoral enchanteur de Terrasini. Nous verrons les plus belles criques et les nombreuses grottes. Nous nous baignerons dans des endroits difficiles ou impossibles à atteindre par terre. Selon les conditions météo, nous terminerons la randonnée en naviguant dans le golfe jusqu'au coucher du soleil, ce qui offre des couleurs et des émotions inoubliables dans nos régions. Chaque voyageur peut participer aux manœuvres lors de la navigation. Dans de mauvaises conditions météo, l'excursion peut être annulée et vous serez remboursé à 100%
Cours de cuisine sicilienne
On a typical lesson day we meet in the morning at one of Palermo’s oldest markets, shop around for any items we will need for the lesson and then stroll to the air-conditioned kitchen in The Sicilian Pantry cookery school where we prepare a 4 course Sicilian meal, learning the techniques and tricks needed to recreate it when you return home. Meals are made up of a starter, pasta course, main course and desert (changes can be made for individuals with specific dietary requirements where appropriate). After the lesson we can sit down together to enjoy the fruits of our labour along with a selection of Sicilian wines rounded off with some homemade liqueurs and coffee. We believe that the true expression of Sicilian cuisine comes from the quality of its fresh seasonal produce so we strive to always ensure that we have the best of what Sicily has to offer in order to share this with our guests. This is an entertaining and informative day out, recommended for cooks of all levels. Other things to note Please let us know as soon as possible if you (or any in your party) have any dietary requirements, intolerances etc.
Preparer des repas typique de Trapani fait maison
Ce qui on veux preparer sont des antiques recettes de notre famiglie. On prepare tout avec notre secrete qui on ce passe de génération en génération, donc on vous montrerai comme cuisiner notre specialité. Becaup des notre recettes sont adapte pour gens végétarien et végétalien. À la fin de notre experience vous etes prete pour preparer notre assiette tout Seul! Sa sera facil pour vous de preparer des pates fait maison quand vous voulais, et impressioner vostre famille et votre copains avec votre competence! le prix est de 35€ par persone! qu'est-ce que attendez-vous? Autres remarques ça serait mieux de ne pas avoir les ongles trop long et des Anneaux qui peut vous embêter pendant la préparation des notres recettes.