Catane : activités uniques

Catane : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Plongez à la découverte de l'Etna
Ci incontriamo al Diving Center all'orario della vostra prenotazione, dopo esserci presentati, vi registrate e fate il check-in, dopodiché vi daremo le attrezzature necessarie per la vostra esperienza subacquea, faremo un accurato briefing dell' attrezzatura e di quello che faremo in acqua. Appena pronti salteremo nel blu di Catania e vi faremo scoprire le meraviglie del mar Jonio, tra colate laviche, grotte sommerse e biodiversità. Appena usciti dall' acqua faremo un debriefing, vi offriremo uno snack, foto di rito e ci diamo l'arrivederci per nuove avventure. Altre cose da tenere a mente Questo tipo di attività, non è consigliata per le donne incinte. I minori devono essere accompagnati dai genitori. Aspettare almeno 12 ore prima di volare in aereo. I partecipanti devono godere di un buono stato di salute.
Etna, vallée du Bœuf et tunnel de lave : trek avec équipement
I GUIDE YOU OUT OF TOURISTS TRACKS!!! Surrounded by a moonlike landscape, we'll learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for it's beauty and uniqueness. Walking along the paths Europe's largest volcano, you'll admire the impressive volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna. We will cross Deserts of black sand, Woods, Ancient and Recent Lava Flows and Old Craters in order to admire the fascinating VALLE DEL BOVE. We will also enter lava tubes, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It'll be fascinating to descover not only their creation but also the secrets they so jelously conceal in their darkness. Difficulty: Medium Itinerary length: about 5.5 km Maximum altitude: about 2100 m Trekking duration: 3-3.5 hours approx Difference in altitude: about 350 m The route in the event of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna! Other things to note The duration of the experience is indicative. Unforeseeable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. It is alway (It's important to wear trekking shoes or shoes you wouldn't mind ruining as at some point there will be a thriling decent into desert-like black sand)
Catane Sailing Vibes
Il s'agit d'une aventure à la voile axée sur le respect de la nature, un mode de vie durable et la connaissance de la navigation. Une activité sportive passionnante, riche de nouvelles expériences et découvertes. Le voilier est entièrement équipé et répond à toutes les normes de confort et de sécurité. Nous nous retrouvons d'abord 15 minutes avant le tour en bateau, généralement au Caffe del Porto. Une fois embarqués, nous commençons par vous initier aux bases de la voile, des vents et de l'océan. Embarquez depuis le Club Nautico Catania, nous ouvrons les voiles et commençons à naviguer le long de la côte volcanique de Catane au gré des vents, à l'horizon, nous verrons l'île des Cyclopes, lieu de naissance de l'Etna. Tous les membres du tour aideront à barrer, à gérer la voile et aux activités sportives. En attendant vous apprendrez les techniques de navigation à bord nous préparons l'apéritif. Alors, la fête commence et nous applaudissons tous ensemble avec un verre de prosecco. Enfin, vous aurez la possibilité de vous baigner ou de vous baigner près de la Grotta di Ulisse ou de la Riviera dei Ciclopi. C'est une première expérience parfaite sur un voilier car en 3 heures vous profitez de l'ambiance de la voile qui vous permet de décider de revenir pour une expérience plus longue, même le lendemain. Autres choses à noter Au début de la visite, vous serez inscrit sur la «liste de l'équipage» en remplissant un court formulaire de notre société. Une pièce d'identité ou un passeport est requis à bord.
Découverte des marchés et de la cuisine de rue à Catane
A 3-hour walking tour around Catania's fish market and alleyways. During the walk, we will take you to our favorite street stalls and family-run deli shops to sample the best daily selection of local street food such as the Arancino, the Cipollina, some challenging samples, and much more :) We offer our foodies only seasonal and traditional foods, no touristy stuff! The fish market is an authentic open-air theater. During the MORNING TOUR, we will spend some time checking out the food market stalls, talking about Sicilian cuisine, and eating some fish :) During the NIGHT TOUR, we'll walk you to the old district of Civita to show you some cool graffiti and enjoy the most authentic Catanese street spirit! This tour has been designed for street foodies and curious travelers. Not only food! We will show you some historical attractions and, when accessible, a hidden lava tunnel. Since this is a small group tour, you will be able to interact with us at any time asking all kinds of questions. We present Catania the way it is, with its lights and shadows. We have a laid-back attitude towards travelers. We don't see travelers as clients but as new friends! so we will be happy to share with you all the tips you need to enjoy Catania as we locals do. In conclusion, it's a relaxing and tasty walk with a a final delicious and authentic street food experience!
Randonnée aux cratères sommitaux de l'Etna
Rdv à notre Info Point Ashàra situé au Piazzale Rifugio Sapienza (Etna Sud) et après les préparatifs avant le départ notre aventure commencera: une randonnée spectaculaire au sommet de l’Etna Avec le téléphérique et le bus 4x4, nous atteindrons environ 2800 m d’altitude, et de là, en 2 heures de marche entre les coulées de lave et les environnements lunaires, nous atteindrons les cratères du sommet de l’Etna. Ici, nous marcherons sur le spectaculaire bord du cratère central et du cratère vertigineux du nord-est et nous verrons à nos côtés le célèbre cratère du sud-est, théâtre des éruptions les plus récentes et les plus impressionnantes. En plus de l’immensité des cratères au sommet, vous pourrez admirer un environnement volcanique unique au monde, avec des émissions de gaz, des bombes volcaniques, et les couleurs scintillantes du terrain dues à la sublimation de divers éléments, dont le soufre en particulier. Pendant la descente, nous visiterons les cratères Barbagallo et traverserons un canal d’écoulement de lave. De nouveau à 2500 mt avec l’aide du téléphérique de l’Etna nous reviendrons au point de départ. IMPORTAN : Toutes les excursions sont effectuées dans le respect des niveaux de risque volcanique, donc, le tour peut varier en fonction du niveau de criticité de l’activité Les billets de téléphérique et Unimog 4x4 (60€ par personne) ne sont pas inclus dans le prix

Catane : activités à découvrir

Explorez l'Etna avec un aventurier
WE GUIDE YOU OUT OF TOURISTS BUSY WAYS. THIS NOT A TOURISTS TOUR, THIS IS NOT STANDARD. As we are two passionate and dinamic friends at work in team, we offer nothing standard and touristic, but a real experience different day by day. So, this is what we offer, but don't esitate to ask for different timing and places (sunset, sunrise, night hiking...etc etc)! We climb up the slopes of the Etna volcano, encountering different landscapes; forest, lava desert, caves/lava tube (this is not 100% sure), sandy deserts and other amazing points of views! Then, we get to a perfect place to observe the summit craters and the Bove Valley (the biggest one on Mt.Etna), the reason why Mt.Etna is part of the UNESCO heritage! If an eruption starts, we choose the best and safest spot to admire it :) We will descend through fun sandy canyons, which will take us to the top of some ancient craters born during last years! This is not a mass tousistic experience. This is for travelers that love walking, trekking and the adventure. Are you ready? This is the Cottage I offer as accommodation on Mount Etna:
Excursions sur l'Etna
Faremo Escursioni organizzate sull'Etna, il vulcano più attivo e alto d'Europa. Il tour prevede: pick-up con il mio furgone 9 posti alle 8.30 del mattino da Catania centro da punti strategici come Stazione Centrale, Piazza Alcalà, Piazza Stesicoro, Piazza Borgo . Visiteremo una grotta di scorrimento lavico. Faremo un trekking di 3 h, con un dislivello di 500 metri e 5-6 km dai 1800 metri s.l.m. fino ai 2300/2400,attraversando ambienti desertico vulcanici,crateri e i diversi colori di montagna. Il pranzo è a sacco e il rientro a Catania previsto per le 15.30. Gruppo minimo 2 persone.
Cuisinez la Sicile
First of all we will find out what the gastronomic 'path' of the day will be; this will depend on the season and on what the market offers: to prepare our dishes, in fact, we will use only fresh, local and possibly organic products. Each member of the group will be following my directions and / or demonstrations to begin the preparation of the menu that will normally include: a main course - first or second course of vegetables and a dessert. We will make pasta and bread, as often as times and preparations allow. As we proceed with the preparation of our meal, we will take notes on ingredients, quantities and recipes so that when you return home and show your friends and relatives photos and memories of your travel experiences you can taste the traditional dishes again, you will have learned to prepare with your hands! When everything is ready, consume yourself or together with us, if you prefer, the product of your efforts and I assure you that nothing will give you more satisfaction: in no restaurant you will find a dish equal to ... yours! Last but not least, if you have children travelling with you, they also enjoy this experience: what's better then prepare by themselves their own lunch?! Other things to note Of course, if someone hasn't got cooking hobby he/she could stay with us and look; the menù I'll propose to you can be modify if you don't like or cannot eat something
Réductions automatiques pour 2 personnes ou plus. Demandez le prix de l'option VTT électrique (disponible également pour les enfants dans les visites privées). Service de ramassage ou de dépôt à Catane pour 15 euros. Prise en charge gratuite dans l'arrêt du bus Gravina. Visite privée disponible (sans supplément pour 3 personnes ou plus). 1) L'itinéraire standard facile, entièrement dans la zone protégée du parc de l'Etna (fermé pour les veichles), est de 22 km de long, à environ 1800 mètres d'altitude. Ici, vous pouvez également faire du vélo en bordure d'un cratère volcanique, d'où vous pourrez admirer la source d'un énorme flux de lave! 2) Si vous n'aimez pas les montées, vous pouvez demander de faire le trajet de descente de 22 km pour perdre dans la descente à plus de 1000 mètres d'altitude. 3) Si vous aimez les longues descentes et qu'il est possible de monter sur six km pour obtenir les 270 mètres d'altitude nécessaires qui nous permettront de descendre sur plus de 30 km le long du flanc du volcan, c'est votre chemin ! 4) Si vous êtes en forme, réservez la visite complète du volcan ; 57 km au total, dont 37 dans la zone protégée avec environ 800 mètres de gain d'altitude, et 20 km de descente panoramique sur des routes asfaltes. N'oubliez pas : seulement si vous êtes sportif, si vous aimez les défis et que vous pratiquez le VTT régulièrement, vous l'aimerez. Les chemins des points 2, 3 et 4 nécessitent un supplément de 40 euros par personne. Les visites matinales doivent être réservées en ligne au moins 18 heures avant : si vous arrivez en retard, essayez de demander à réserver !
Excursions sur l'Etna
Nel nostro percorso a tappe, ti porterò sul "deserto lavico", il paesaggio lunare per eccellenza a bordo del mio fuoristrada 4x4 o del mio SUV. Cammineremo lungo i sentieri del Vulcano attivo più alto d'Europa, ti mostrerò l'imponente struttura vulcanica, ti spiegherò la storia e la sua origine. Ci fermeremo a guardare i panorami e le viste che solo l'Etna può creare. Cammineremo insieme su dei vecchi crateri spenti situati nel versante Sud, il più vivace degli ultimi anni. Ti farò visitare un tunnel lavico con l'aiuto di caschi e torce e vedremo anche la Valle del Bove. Sulla strada di ritorno farai una degustazione gratuita di prodotti tipici dell'Etna dentro un'azienda locale. EXTRA Un' incantevole degustazione in una cantina dell'Etna, la visita dei Crateri Sommitali (con l'aiuto della funivia) o delle Gole dell'Alcantara o Taormina renderebbero ancora più unica la tua esperienza. Posso organizzare qualsiasi cosa in base alle tue esigenze. Scrivimi se sei interessato! Concordiamo il pickup e l'orario il giorno prima. Possibilità di noleggio scarponcini da montagna. NB: QUESTA ESPERIENZA NON PREVEDE TREKKING Se ti piace fare trekking, guarda l'altra mia esperienza -> Discovering Etna's trails Se si hanno bagagli ingombranti con se bisogna comunicarmelo prima. La temperatura può essere inferiore di 10-15° C rispetto a quella della città con vento.

Catane : les expériences les plus prisées

Etna Morning or Sunset - Trek & Lava Tunnel with Gear
Surrounded by a lunar landscape, we will learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its beauty and uniqueness. Strolling along the largest volcano in Europe, you will admire the imposing volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna. We will visit one of the most fascinating sites where you can watch the sunset together (you will not see the sun setting but only appreciate the colors). We will enter a lava tube, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It will be fascinating to discover not only their creation, but also the secrets that they hide so jealously in their darkness. Difficulty: easy Maximum altitude: about 2130 m Trekking duration: about 2 hours Difference in altitude: about 130 m The route in case of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna! Other things to note The duration of the experience is indicative. Unpredictable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. (It is important to wear hiking shoes or shoes that you wouldn't mind spoiling)
Excursion Etna en jeep et trekking tous les jours en Français, Anglais et Italien
Excursion sur l’Etna en jeep et randonnée pour visiter les cratères, les grottes et la dernière éruption. Nous partons de votre hôtel s'il est situé dans la ville de Zafferana etnea ou de notre point de rendez-vous avec une confortable jeep o minivan 4×4, en direction du nord-est. Après quelques kilomètres, nous nous arrêterons à l'intérieur du parc national accessible par un guide autorisé, car il y a environ 45 cratères. Après une promenade d'environ 40 minutes, nous visiterons 5 cratères, dont l'un est encore ouvert et vous pourrez voir la taille réelle d'un cratère. Dans cette région, nous observerons tous les types de lave, minéraux, désert volcanique et plantes pionnières de notre volcan. Après avoir visité les cratères en altitude, nous ferons 2 km de véhicules tout-terrain avec notre jeep pour découvrir la dernière grande éruption qui a détruit l'ancien centre touristique. Enfin, avec les lampes fournies par nos soins, nous visiterons les petits cratères à l’intérieur (caverne) d’une chambre d’expansion et d’une fracture volcanic La visite sera effectuée dans des zones d’intérêt volcanologique et scientifique avec un guide expert et qualifié. Excursion adaptée à tous, même aux familles avec enfants.avant de réserver vérifié avec un message si nous avons la disponibilité. Autres remarques Avant de réserver envoyez un message pour voir si nous avons la disponibilité Dans notre point de rendez-vous, nous avons un parking gratuit pour votre voiture gardé devant notre reception. Nous fournissons gratuitement : chaussures, vestes et lampes.
Visite de Catane à pied avec dégustation
Meeting Point al Giardino Bellini di Catania(ingresso principale in via Etnea), luogo di svago e relax, detta dai catanesi “A Villa”. Dopo una breve visita del Giardino il nostro tour proseguirà per la via Etnea, la principale via di Catania ricca di bellezze in stile Barocco e Liberty da fotografare e ammirare. La nostra passeggiata proseguirà all'interno delle vie caratteristiche di Catania, arriveremo a Piazza Federico di Svevia sede del Castello Ursino, in cui faremo una breve sosta e disseterete il vostro palato con seltz, limone e sale ossia una bevanda tipica catanese analcolica. Tappa immancabile sarà la pescheria, in cui potrete vivere con pienezza il folklore della città di Catania. Il tour proseguirà attraversando “Piazza Duomo”, dove potrete immortalare il simbolo della città, “U liotru”, una statua in pietra lavica raffigurante un elefante. Successivamente ci dirigeremo verso la Piazza icona dell'opera di Catania, Piazza Teatro Massimo sede dell'omonimo teatro Vincenzo Massimo Bellini, caratterizzata dallo stile Liberty. Infine visiteremo la fiera di Catania, detta “ a fera o' luni”, in cui sono presenti bancarelle di ogni tipo. Usciti dalla fiera degusterete un pezzo della nostra tipica tavola calda siciliana(cipollina, pizzetta, cartocciata o bolognese). Concluderemo il tour in via Etnea. > Sconto "Automatico" sul tour in base al numero dei partecipanti.
Alla scoperta del vulcano attivo più alto d'Europa, l'Etna
-> LEGGERE PRIMA DI PRENOTARE: Faremo attività di escursionismo e trekking sulle principali zone di attrazione del vulcano Etna, ancora attivo! Saliremo a quota 2.170 m slm con vista sulla incredibile Valle del Bove. Visiteremo grotte nascoste, sentieri, e quando c’è la neve affronteremo il percorso innevato! La nostra escursione comprende una degustazione completa di olio, miele e vini dell’Etna. La vostra guida naturalistica ed escursionistica regionale, è un esperto Geologo che vi incanterà con le storie più curiose che madre natura regala ogni giorno su “Mamma Etna”. Il costo totale del tour è di 65€ a persona (25€ su airbnb+ 40€ per trasporto e guida escursionista da pagare al momento del pick-up). Il tour con una sola persona ha un costo totale di 95€ (25€ su airbnb+70€ per trasporto e guida escursionista privata da pagare al momento del pick-up). Pick up a/r dal centro di Catania. N.B. il superiore programma potrebbe subire variazioni a seconda delle condizioni climatiche e metereologiche della giornata.
Vignoble urbain près de l'Etna : promenade et accords mets-vins
Etna Urban Winery You will get a full experience of an urban vinery on the slopes of Mount Etna! The tour is divided in 3 different moments: Vineyard Walk The tour will start with our warm welcome and a walk across urban vineyards nestled between Catania and Etna. Its a unique urban trekking with rare dry-stone made buildings and walls from the 19th century, and an oak wood representing what it once was the large forest just above Catania, now all reclaimed by the expanding city. If you come with children I will give them their own treasure map . Bring comfortable closed- toes shoes, tennis are perfect! Palmento Visit Back from the field, you will discover our 18th century Palmento (traditional Sicilian winery), that is among the largest and best preserved in the area, still equipped with its large chestnut wood barrels and the grape pressing machine dating 1790. A rare jewel to be seen! Here you will also hear of some old family stories Wine Tasting Journey The tour will finish with a tasting experience on today's Etna culinary landscape. You will taste wines from 4 different wineries around the vulcano, each wine paired with a gourmet bite prepared by our resident chef Leonardo, to finish your day relaxing in our courtyard or the garden looking at the Etna Shuttle from/to central Catania available with an extra fee and upon request

Activités à proximité des principales attractions

Château UrsinoRecommandé par 360 habitants
Giardino BelliniRecommandé par 319 habitants
Via EtneaRecommandé par 300 habitants
Teatro Massimo BelliniRecommandé par 259 habitants
Marché aux poissons de CataneRecommandé par 245 habitants
Piazza DuomoRecommandé par 236 habitants

Centro Catania : activités à proximité

Etna Morning or Sunset - Trek & Lava Tunnel with Gear
Surrounded by a lunar landscape, we will learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its beauty and uniqueness. Strolling along the largest volcano in Europe, you will admire the imposing volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna. We will visit one of the most fascinating sites where you can watch the sunset together (you will not see the sun setting but only appreciate the colors). We will enter a lava tube, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It will be fascinating to discover not only their creation, but also the secrets that they hide so jealously in their darkness. Difficulty: easy Maximum altitude: about 2130 m Trekking duration: about 2 hours Difference in altitude: about 130 m The route in case of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna! Other things to note The duration of the experience is indicative. Unpredictable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. (It is important to wear hiking shoes or shoes that you wouldn't mind spoiling)
Visite de Catane à pied avec dégustation
Meeting Point al Giardino Bellini di Catania(ingresso principale in via Etnea), luogo di svago e relax, detta dai catanesi “A Villa”. Dopo una breve visita del Giardino il nostro tour proseguirà per la via Etnea, la principale via di Catania ricca di bellezze in stile Barocco e Liberty da fotografare e ammirare. La nostra passeggiata proseguirà all'interno delle vie caratteristiche di Catania, arriveremo a Piazza Federico di Svevia sede del Castello Ursino, in cui faremo una breve sosta e disseterete il vostro palato con seltz, limone e sale ossia una bevanda tipica catanese analcolica. Tappa immancabile sarà la pescheria, in cui potrete vivere con pienezza il folklore della città di Catania. Il tour proseguirà attraversando “Piazza Duomo”, dove potrete immortalare il simbolo della città, “U liotru”, una statua in pietra lavica raffigurante un elefante. Successivamente ci dirigeremo verso la Piazza icona dell'opera di Catania, Piazza Teatro Massimo sede dell'omonimo teatro Vincenzo Massimo Bellini, caratterizzata dallo stile Liberty. Infine visiteremo la fiera di Catania, detta “ a fera o' luni”, in cui sono presenti bancarelle di ogni tipo. Usciti dalla fiera degusterete un pezzo della nostra tipica tavola calda siciliana(cipollina, pizzetta, cartocciata o bolognese). Concluderemo il tour in via Etnea. > Sconto "Automatico" sul tour in base al numero dei partecipanti.
Alla scoperta del vulcano attivo più alto d'Europa, l'Etna
-> LEGGERE PRIMA DI PRENOTARE: Faremo attività di escursionismo e trekking sulle principali zone di attrazione del vulcano Etna, ancora attivo! Saliremo a quota 2.170 m slm con vista sulla incredibile Valle del Bove. Visiteremo grotte nascoste, sentieri, e quando c’è la neve affronteremo il percorso innevato! La nostra escursione comprende una degustazione completa di olio, miele e vini dell’Etna. La vostra guida naturalistica ed escursionistica regionale, è un esperto Geologo che vi incanterà con le storie più curiose che madre natura regala ogni giorno su “Mamma Etna”. Il costo totale del tour è di 65€ a persona (25€ su airbnb+ 40€ per trasporto e guida escursionista da pagare al momento del pick-up). Il tour con una sola persona ha un costo totale di 95€ (25€ su airbnb+70€ per trasporto e guida escursionista privata da pagare al momento del pick-up). Pick up a/r dal centro di Catania. N.B. il superiore programma potrebbe subire variazioni a seconda delle condizioni climatiche e metereologiche della giornata.
Plongez à la découverte de l'Etna
Ci incontriamo al Diving Center all'orario della vostra prenotazione, dopo esserci presentati, vi registrate e fate il check-in, dopodiché vi daremo le attrezzature necessarie per la vostra esperienza subacquea, faremo un accurato briefing dell' attrezzatura e di quello che faremo in acqua. Appena pronti salteremo nel blu di Catania e vi faremo scoprire le meraviglie del mar Jonio, tra colate laviche, grotte sommerse e biodiversità. Appena usciti dall' acqua faremo un debriefing, vi offriremo uno snack, foto di rito e ci diamo l'arrivederci per nuove avventure. Altre cose da tenere a mente Questo tipo di attività, non è consigliata per le donne incinte. I minori devono essere accompagnati dai genitori. Aspettare almeno 12 ore prima di volare in aereo. I partecipanti devono godere di un buono stato di salute.
Etna, vallée du Bœuf et tunnel de lave : trek avec équipement
I GUIDE YOU OUT OF TOURISTS TRACKS!!! Surrounded by a moonlike landscape, we'll learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for it's beauty and uniqueness. Walking along the paths Europe's largest volcano, you'll admire the impressive volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna. We will cross Deserts of black sand, Woods, Ancient and Recent Lava Flows and Old Craters in order to admire the fascinating VALLE DEL BOVE. We will also enter lava tubes, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It'll be fascinating to descover not only their creation but also the secrets they so jelously conceal in their darkness. Difficulty: Medium Itinerary length: about 5.5 km Maximum altitude: about 2100 m Trekking duration: 3-3.5 hours approx Difference in altitude: about 350 m The route in the event of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna! Other things to note The duration of the experience is indicative. Unforeseeable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. It is alway (It's important to wear trekking shoes or shoes you wouldn't mind ruining as at some point there will be a thriling decent into desert-like black sand)

Ongina : activités à proximité

Catane Sailing Vibes
Il s'agit d'une aventure à la voile axée sur le respect de la nature, un mode de vie durable et la connaissance de la navigation. Une activité sportive passionnante, riche de nouvelles expériences et découvertes. Le voilier est entièrement équipé et répond à toutes les normes de confort et de sécurité. Nous nous retrouvons d'abord 15 minutes avant le tour en bateau, généralement au Caffe del Porto. Une fois embarqués, nous commençons par vous initier aux bases de la voile, des vents et de l'océan. Embarquez depuis le Club Nautico Catania, nous ouvrons les voiles et commençons à naviguer le long de la côte volcanique de Catane au gré des vents, à l'horizon, nous verrons l'île des Cyclopes, lieu de naissance de l'Etna. Tous les membres du tour aideront à barrer, à gérer la voile et aux activités sportives. En attendant vous apprendrez les techniques de navigation à bord nous préparons l'apéritif. Alors, la fête commence et nous applaudissons tous ensemble avec un verre de prosecco. Enfin, vous aurez la possibilité de vous baigner ou de vous baigner près de la Grotta di Ulisse ou de la Riviera dei Ciclopi. C'est une première expérience parfaite sur un voilier car en 3 heures vous profitez de l'ambiance de la voile qui vous permet de décider de revenir pour une expérience plus longue, même le lendemain. Autres choses à noter Au début de la visite, vous serez inscrit sur la «liste de l'équipage» en remplissant un court formulaire de notre société. Une pièce d'identité ou un passeport est requis à bord.
Photo Tour in Catania
Need some photo inspiration? As locals and travel bloggers, we will take you to the most iconic spots in Catania and provide you with images that will impress your friends and followers. Come and strike your own pose at the hottest spots in CATANIA! We’ll take you to great photo locations in the city and we will gladly and patiently assist you with taking the perfect shot. *EDIT YOUR PICTURES WITH THE PERFECT FILTER* + FOR FREE: If you would like to have your pictures edited with a nice filter. They will be ready to post directly!
Vignoble urbain près de l'Etna : promenade et accords mets-vins
Etna Urban Winery You will get a full experience of an urban vinery on the slopes of Mount Etna! The tour is divided in 3 different moments: Vineyard Walk The tour will start with our warm welcome and a walk across urban vineyards nestled between Catania and Etna. Its a unique urban trekking with rare dry-stone made buildings and walls from the 19th century, and an oak wood representing what it once was the large forest just above Catania, now all reclaimed by the expanding city. If you come with children I will give them their own treasure map . Bring comfortable closed- toes shoes, tennis are perfect! Palmento Visit Back from the field, you will discover our 18th century Palmento (traditional Sicilian winery), that is among the largest and best preserved in the area, still equipped with its large chestnut wood barrels and the grape pressing machine dating 1790. A rare jewel to be seen! Here you will also hear of some old family stories Wine Tasting Journey The tour will finish with a tasting experience on today's Etna culinary landscape. You will taste wines from 4 different wineries around the vulcano, each wine paired with a gourmet bite prepared by our resident chef Leonardo, to finish your day relaxing in our courtyard or the garden looking at the Etna Shuttle from/to central Catania available with an extra fee and upon request
Découverte des marchés et de la cuisine de rue à Catane
A 3-hour walking tour around Catania's fish market and alleyways. During the walk, we will take you to our favorite street stalls and family-run deli shops to sample the best daily selection of local street food such as the Arancino, the Cipollina, some challenging samples, and much more :) We offer our foodies only seasonal and traditional foods, no touristy stuff! The fish market is an authentic open-air theater. During the MORNING TOUR, we will spend some time checking out the food market stalls, talking about Sicilian cuisine, and eating some fish :) During the NIGHT TOUR, we'll walk you to the old district of Civita to show you some cool graffiti and enjoy the most authentic Catanese street spirit! This tour has been designed for street foodies and curious travelers. Not only food! We will show you some historical attractions and, when accessible, a hidden lava tunnel. Since this is a small group tour, you will be able to interact with us at any time asking all kinds of questions. We present Catania the way it is, with its lights and shadows. We have a laid-back attitude towards travelers. We don't see travelers as clients but as new friends! so we will be happy to share with you all the tips you need to enjoy Catania as we locals do. In conclusion, it's a relaxing and tasty walk with a a final delicious and authentic street food experience!
Tour en bateau partant du centre de Catane
Réduction de 20% pour les groupes à partir de 2 personnes. Nous pouvons nous rencontrer dans la Piazza Cavour (Catane), depuis là, nous irons en voiture à Acitrezza. Ensuite depuis Acitrezza, à bord de notre bateau, nous passerons une demi-journée en mer et nous relaxerons le long des côtes volcaniques au nord de Catane, en partant de la réserve naturelle de "Ciclopi di Aci Trezza". Pendant les pauses, vous pouvez vous baigner autant de fois que vous le souhaitez et plonger avec notre équipement en admirant les merveilleux fonds marins de lave, nageant parmi les groupes de poissons qui les habitent. Si les conditions météorologiques le permettent, nous irons jusqu'à la sauvage Timpa d'Acireale. Ici, vous aurez l'impression que le temps s'est arrêté et que la nature est toujours la protagoniste de la côte. Pendant la visite, nous nous arrêterons pour un petit apéritif avec des produits typiques siciliens et nous nous allons trinquer avec une boisson rafraîchissante offerte par nous. La visite matinale permet d'admirer les plus belles couleurs des fonds marins, de s'allonger et de bronzer. Cependant, si s'allonger au soleil n'est pas pour vous, nous pouvons tout de même ouvrir notre auvent pour ne pas souffrir de la chaleur. La visite de l'après-midi assure les plus belles immersions au coucher du soleil parmi des paysages à couper le souffle et convient peut-être plus à ceux qui ont peur de souffrir de la chaleur estivale. En cas de mauvais temps ou de mer agitée, la visite peut être annulée. Si possible, nous conviendrons d'une autre date, sinon vous recevrez un remboursement de la totalité des frais.

Sant'Agata li Battiati : activités à proximité

Expérience unique sur l'Etna
After pick up,Etna direction! Passing through trazzere, where we can see the lava flows (1792), where I will explain the fauna and flora of volcano Etna,telling you the Mount Etna history. Arrive at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level,starts our trekking off the turistic path, Direction Bove Valley, the ancient caldera formed about 64,000 years ago due to a collapse of two major eruptive centers. where we can admire the silvestri craters, the recent lava flows,south east active crater and a great view of Catania and ionion cost. During the hiking we stop to eat a sandwich gourmet with local product ( you can buy the sandwich,before the hiking). Other things to note Our experience is a mountain hiking with a good slope, it is suitable for everyone with good mobility and good phisical shape. It not suitable for people with low physical fitness, breathing problems and heart problems.
Explorez l'Etna avec un aventurier
WE GUIDE YOU OUT OF TOURISTS BUSY WAYS. THIS NOT A TOURISTS TOUR, THIS IS NOT STANDARD. As we are two passionate and dinamic friends at work in team, we offer nothing standard and touristic, but a real experience different day by day. So, this is what we offer, but don't esitate to ask for different timing and places (sunset, sunrise, night hiking...etc etc)! We climb up the slopes of the Etna volcano, encountering different landscapes; forest, lava desert, caves/lava tube (this is not 100% sure), sandy deserts and other amazing points of views! Then, we get to a perfect place to observe the summit craters and the Bove Valley (the biggest one on Mt.Etna), the reason why Mt.Etna is part of the UNESCO heritage! If an eruption starts, we choose the best and safest spot to admire it :) We will descend through fun sandy canyons, which will take us to the top of some ancient craters born during last years! This is not a mass tousistic experience. This is for travelers that love walking, trekking and the adventure. Are you ready? This is the Cottage I offer as accommodation on Mount Etna:
Cuisinez la Sicile
First of all we will find out what the gastronomic 'path' of the day will be; this will depend on the season and on what the market offers: to prepare our dishes, in fact, we will use only fresh, local and possibly organic products. Each member of the group will be following my directions and / or demonstrations to begin the preparation of the menu that will normally include: a main course - first or second course of vegetables and a dessert. We will make pasta and bread, as often as times and preparations allow. As we proceed with the preparation of our meal, we will take notes on ingredients, quantities and recipes so that when you return home and show your friends and relatives photos and memories of your travel experiences you can taste the traditional dishes again, you will have learned to prepare with your hands! When everything is ready, consume yourself or together with us, if you prefer, the product of your efforts and I assure you that nothing will give you more satisfaction: in no restaurant you will find a dish equal to ... yours! Last but not least, if you have children travelling with you, they also enjoy this experience: what's better then prepare by themselves their own lunch?! Other things to note Of course, if someone hasn't got cooking hobby he/she could stay with us and look; the menù I'll propose to you can be modify if you don't like or cannot eat something
Cuisine sicilienne typique dans une maison confortable à Catane
La nostra experience prevede l'accoglienza dell'ospite all'interno della nostra terrazza all'aperto, tra piante e ceramiche siciliane, sapori di Sicilia e atmosfere di famiglia. L'experience dà la possibilità di degustare un ricco menu a base di pesce carne o verdure, tutti piatti tipici della tradizione siciliana (disponibile anche altro tipo di menu se richiesto) ed apprendere ed imparare i metodi di cucina Italiana e le ricette tipicamente siciliane. Gli ospiti potranno decidere liberamente se godersi la cucina a vista e rilassarsi in terrazza qualora desideri solo gustare piatti del nostro territorio, oppure può partecipare attivamente durante le fasi di preparazione ed imparare come vengono realizzati le singole pietanze (sarò ben felice di insegnare loro il procedimento) oppure partecipare alla scelta della spesa e realizzare il piatto insieme per poi consumarlo durante la serata.
Etna excursion morning or sunset and visit lava flow cave
Surrounded by a lunar landscape, we will learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its beauty and uniqueness. Strolling along the largest volcano in Europe, you will admire the imposing volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna. We will visit one of the most fascinating sites where you can watch the sunset together (you will not see the sun setting but only appreciate the colors). We will enter a lava tube, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It will be fascinating to discover not only their creation, but also the secrets that they hide so jealously in their darkness. Difficulty: easy Maximum altitude: about 2100 m Trekking duration: about 1.5 hours Difference in altitude: about 100 m The route in case of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna! Other things to note The duration of the experience is indicative. Unpredictable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. (It is important to wear hiking shoes or shoes that you wouldn't mind spoiling)
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italie
  3. Sicile
  4. Metropolitan city of Catania
  5. Catane